Cost of premises is increasing yet firms are still not investing in IT and remote working, highlights MHA Legal Benchmarking Report.
The latest annual legal benchmarking review from MHA, the UK-wide group of accountancy and business advisory firms, points to encouraging signs of growth for a second year, most notably through an upturn in the Property and Construction Sector.
The review, undertaken by MHA’s Professional Practices Group, indicates a much more positive outlook across most firms, helping to ease the considerable financial pressures experienced in recent years.
The MHA Report highlights:
It is concerning to see that the much improved fee income has not translated into increases in net profit. Most firms have had to recruit new staff to cope with their workloads and many have seen their salary costs increase, as well as being faced with the costs of auto enrolment pension schemes and increasing premises costs.
Karen Hain, Head of the Professional Practices sector at MHA explains: “A significant downward pressure on net profits is the high costs of keeping premises. It is clear from our review that firms have not downsized their premises, with the larger practices actually expanding. To make any significant inroads into premises cost savings, firms will need to make substantial changes to their way of working, such as hot desking, home working or paper free working. The lack of change in working procedures is echoed by the lack of real investment in IT spend.”
Indeed, productivity and time management are also key to a profitable business and a number of efficiencies can be gained through the use of technology and improved processes.
Karen went on to say: “As we look ahead, we expect 2016 to continue to see succession planning as a key risk for law firms. Difficult questions need to be considered about future strategy, so that changes can begin to be made. Firms also need to review their funding structures to understand their cash requirements, which usually fall under pressure during periods of growth. They must have plans if additional funding becomes necessary, as traditional banking routes may be restricted.”
(Source: MHA)