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Half of UK SMEs Not ‘Gender Diverse’

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Posted: 13th February 2017
Lawyer Monthly
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Over half (52%) of SME owners in the UK would not class their businesses as ‘gender diverse’, despite 65% feeling that enough is being done to encourage women into their sector. The results were obtained from the Close Brothers Business Barometer, a quarterly survey that questions over 900 UK SME owners and senior management across a range of sectors and regions.

“It’s encouraging that businesses are honest enough to admit that, from a gender perspective, they aren’t currently diverse enough,” said Neil Davies, CEO, Close Brothers Asset Finance and Leasing. “Encouragingly, nearly two thirds of businesses feel steps are being taken to bring more balance to the workforce.”

Regionally, 62% of Northwest England SMEs said they would class themselves as ‘gender diverse’, while in the East Midlands, the positive result was only 32%.

There was also a direct correlation between a business’s turnover and their likelihood to have a higher proportion of female workers.

Question: Would you class your business as being 'gender diverse'?

 Turnover Yes No
£250k - £500k 44% 56%
£501k - £1m 44% 56%
£1.1m - £5m 47% 53%
£5.1m - £10m 52% 48%
>£10m 55% 45%

Recruitment of women

When asked the question ‘does your company actively strive to recruit more women?’ the results were less positive, with only 32% answering ‘yes’ and the remainder ‘no’.

“An important caveat to this finding is that the smaller the company’s size, the less likely they were to answer ‘yes’,” continued Neil. “Given the sectors we surveyed, this should come as no surprise because industries like engineering have long struggled to become more diverse, and not through a lack of trying.”

Regional analysis

Full list of regional responses to ‘would you class your business as being 'gender diverse'?’.

  Yes No
North West England 62% 38%
Wales 57% 43%
Yorkshire/Humberside 55% 45%
South East England 50% 51%
Greater London 49% 51%
North East England 48% 53%
South West England 47% 53%
East Anglia 47% 53%
Scotland 47% 53%
West Midlands 36% 64%
East Midlands 32% 68%

Sector results

The sector that saw themselves most diverse was Print at 53%, followed by Manufacturing at 48%; Engineering 45%; Transport 37% and Construction at 33%.

(Source: Close Brothers Asset Finance)

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