A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies analyzes the fraudulent abuse of the "credible fear" process by aliens seeking to enter or remain in the United States, fraud made possible by weaknesses in the US asylum system, resource constraints, and evidentiary limitations. Already more susceptible to exploitation by terrorists than the refugee process because applicants are not screened before entering the United States, the credible fear process is particularly vulnerable to fraud, hindering the effectiveness of expedited removal and undermining the immigration enforcement system.
Expedited removal is intended to facilitate the removal of aliens who entered illegally or through fraud, and who are apprehended at entry or who have been in the United States for a limited period of time.
But according to the report's author, Andrew Arthur, a former Immigration Judge and the Center's Resident Fellow in Law and Policy: "Many have been instructed to claim 'credible fear' of returning to their home countries. With their oral testimony often offered as the only evidence to support their claims, and with few Asylum Officers, only 35 Fraud Detection and National Security officers assigned to asylum offices throughout the country, and a mere 316 Immigration Judges already overwhelmed by a backlog of 542,411 cases, it should be no surprise that the credible fear process is uniquely susceptible to fraud."
Among the findings:
(Source: Center for Immigration Studies)