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UK Needs Better Education to Further Supercharged AI Plans

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Posted: 17th October 2017
Lawyer Monthly
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A new independent review sets out ambitious proposals for how industry and government can boost the UK’s burgeoning AI industry. The government has been urged to help the UK become the clear world leader in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – to boost productivity, advance health care, improve services for customers and unlock £630 billion for the UK economy.

This week, experts from industry and academia unveiled new proposals for how government can work with industry to stay ahead of the competition and grow the UK’s use of AI right across the economy – from smarter scheduling of operations in healthcare, to hiring on-demand self-driving cars. But does the UK have the right people, with the right skills, to further these proposals?

The Industrial Strategy green paper, ‘Growing the Artificial Intelligence Industry in the UK’, published in January, identified AI as a major, high-potential opportunity for the UK to build a word-leading future sector of our economy.

Nick Shipp, intellectual property lawyer and Partner at Kilburn & Strode, had this to say for Lawyer Monthly: "While Theresa May’s Government may be known for its U-turns, I think we have to optimistically proceed as if the recently reported plans to supercharge the UK AI industry will happen.

“At first glance, the level of investment from the Government looks extremely positive. However, simply investing in R&D in the AI sector alone will not be enough to ensure success. 

“Investing lower down the chain in students coming through with the right education will be needed to ensure we have the right stream of talent. Furthermore, downstream, the Government needs to do more to ensure the innovations of UK companies are protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).

“More investment in education around IPRs such as patents, as well as financial support in obtaining patent protection, could help to secure the UK as the AI hub of the future. Regardless, these government plans are, for now, undoubtedly a step in the right direction.”

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