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House Buyers Seek ‘Consultative Conveyancers’

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Posted: 13th July 2018
Lawyer Monthly
Last updated 10th July 2018
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Nearly half (44%) of UK consumers find it hard to choose between conveyancing firms because they ‘all seem the same’, according to research from conveyancing software company, InfoTrack.

The study found that UK home movers perceive conveyancing as predominately process-driven, putting the onus on the sector to differentiate by providing added value to home movers.

Currently, home movers believe that conveyancers add the most value in: liaising with HM Land Registry (28%); managing the collection and transfer of funds (26%); drawing up contracts (26%) and conducting local searches (23%).

However, over half (55%) of consumers believe that conveyancers can gain ground by offering greater clarity of the process and communication during transactions.

Exploring how they can achieve this, the report found that over a quarter (27%) of home movers want their conveyancer to use online communication methods, and over a third (37%) would like them to use more layperson language, rather than legal jargon, to help them understand the process.

The report also established that 50% of consumers want their conveyancer to take on a more consultative role and provide advice when it is needed.

Peter Ambrose, Director, The Partnership: “Helping consumers understand the nature of what conveyancers actually do is a recognised challenge that the majority of law firms fail to address. The results of this survey are of little surprise to us, in that conveyancing is much more complex than just a “tick-box” exercise, but no-one counters this. We designed our Client Portal to give our clients clear visibility of every stage of the process, with specific help screens that don’t feature any legal jargon.  Access to this ensures clients have a much better understanding of what is actually going on. We believe that only those firms that invest in such client-friendly technology can contribute to the greater appreciation of the work involved that the industry so desperately needs.”

Adam Bullion, GM of Marketing, InfoTrack, commented: “Consumers feel that conveyancers take care of the most laborious admin tasks, and ensure their money is being moved around safely and efficiently. However, conveyancers should understand that consumers also want consultancy throughout each stage of the process. Consultancy can act as a real value add within the transaction which means better communication. Changing communication methods to engage with their customers on their preferred methods, will have multiple benefits, from time-saving for the conveyancer, to increased client satisfaction, leading to an increase in repeat business. Using good technology to do this should be enjoyable, as should the process of buying a home. Conveyancers and home movers can both benefit from the implementation of tools that enable this.”

(Source: InfoTrack)

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