Chris Woodroofe, Chief Operating Officer at Gatwick Airport, said: “We welcome the clarity that the announcement provides as it leaves no doubt that anyone flying a drone must stay well away from aircraft, airports and airfields. Drones open-up some exciting possibilities but must be used responsibly. These clear regulations, combined with new surveillance technology, will help the police apprehend and prosecute anyone endangering the travelling public”.
Below Karen Holden, Founder of A City Law Firm, is here to break down exactly what you know about the new drone laws.
On the 30th July, new regulations were put into place for drone usage in the UK - an amendment to the Air Navigation Order (2016). These new rules mean that drones cannot fly above 400 feet (120m) or within a kilometre radius of any airport boundaries.
Later developments, yet to be announced, will include immediate intervention if a drone operator fails to follow the rules. As such, if a drone pilot is suspected of flying unsafely or carrying out any illegal activities with their drone, police will have powers to ground the drone and seize it and any memory cards as evidence.
The incoming provisions will require owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more to register them with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and take an online safety test. These requirements will come into force on the 30th November 2019.
Furthermore, the new drone safety awareness tests mean owners will have to prove that they understand UK safety, security and privacy regulations, meaning the legal onus will be placed securely at their door. This then opens potential for insurance and tighter restrictions in a hope that, without insurance and assessments, people who are not prepared to operate drones carefully will not be able to.
Drone operators who ignore the new height and airport boundary restrictions could be charged with recklessly or negligently acting in a manner which could endanger an aircraft or any person in the aircraft. This could result in an unlimited fine, up to five years in prison, or both.
Users who fail to register or sit the competency tests could face fines of up to £1,000. It is hoped that this will be a sufficient deterrent, however, many also welcome the enforcement rules proposed to intervene in drone usage if these rules are ignored.
Current rules are still maintained for non-commercial users:
If you are a commercial user – understand the laws and have a policy in place which outlines a risk assessment / plan. It is also important to monitor employee compliance, have insurance in place and monitor GDPR requirements.
In addition to the new drone laws, the government also plans to expand the use of ‘geo-fencing’ in the UK, which is an invisible shield around buildings or sensitive areas like prisons and airports. This technology works on GPS coordinates, so can be built into a drone and stop it from entering these zones. It is thought drone operators will be told to use apps to plan their flights to ensure they are not entering unsafe or no-fly zones, which will also be visible to other drone users.
There are many benefits of using drones, including the speeding up of deliveries, such as blood transfusions; increased safety by replacing people inspecting nuclear power stations; deliveries; filming; construction or rail safety inspections to name but a few. Therefore, the government want to encourage continued use, but not at the peril of others safety. The new laws are evolving with the technology, so it is important to be prepared and compliant!