According to the National Safety Council, someone suffers from a work-related injury every seven seconds, around 4.5 million people per year.
Statistics also reveal that work environments with the highest records of work-related accidents include construction, installation, transportation, manufacturing and production, shipping, police and firefighters.
Furthermore, the statistics indicate that most work-related accidents involve exposure to toxic chemicals and substances, falling objects, vehicle accidents, noise pollution and contact with equipment. It also includes falls, trips, slips, lacerations and cuts and quarrels with other employees. Moreover, overexertion while working and handling objects is also among the list of the most common work-related accidents. If you are not in any of these highlighted occupations, you may think that you are safe, but think again. Wet floors are everywhere, and you never know! Most business buildings have air conditioners, ceiling fans, large printers, staplers, coffee makers, paper clips, thumbtacks, papers, system units, or fridge doors. Some of the items mentioned may seem innocuous, but accidents happen in the most unexpected ways – that’s why they are called accidents.
These work-related accidents happen due to negligence and carelessness, such as not putting a caution sign on a wet floor or an employer failing to observe safety standards. Mental or physical fatigue that leads one to work beyond his physical capacities is also another cause of work-related accidents. Ignorance about safety rules or a dangerous environment, equipment, or substance also counts as a common cause. Faulty equipment, messy or cluttered work environments are also among the causes of accidents at work. Mind distractions such as stress from home or multi-tasking during a job that needs complete focus can also lead to accidents at work. Overconfidence such as ignoring safety rules due to years of experience and disregarding safety rules in order to finish a job quicker are also among the top causes of accidents in the workplace.
Evidently, regardless of the occupation, accidents happen. Worker's compensation is available, but it can get complicated, particularly if the accident in question is something that would cost a company its reputation. Most companies have their lawyers and procedures for offering compensation to injured employees. However, until they are a victim of a work-related injury, most employees are oblivious of their rights.
Safety first is not merely about taking the necessary measures to prevent accidents; as an employee, particularly if you are in an accident-prone environment, part of your safety first strategy should involve a criminal lawyer. A good criminal lawyer possesses the qualities that will help you get the compensation that matches the seriousness of a work-related accident. Even with all the accident prevention measures in place, an accident can still happen. And sometimes, the compensation offered may not agree with the severeness of the injury.
Moreover, in some cases, some companies will agree to give you the compensation you deserve but delay its delivery. This is one of the many examples of why a reliable criminal lawyer would be a good investment. The qualities you should consider when selecting one are:
In brief, accidents happen more often than most people realize. They happen in all kinds of work environments and in the most unexpected ways. Most companies offer worker compensation by default to victims of work-related accidents. Nonetheless, sometimes these cases get complicated when companies either hold back on compensating a victim or delay their full compensation. Having a reliable and caring criminal lawyer is a good option for your safety first strategy.