In another scenario, you are getting late for work, and you decide to drink your coffee behind the wheels because you think drinking coffee is not a crime. Well, let me break it to you, be it a cell phone, or be it your coffee, anything you are doing other than driving when you are behind the wheels in the moving vehicle, IT’S A DISTRACTION. Therefore, in case of any unfortunate event, you’ll have to face the law.
Here’s everything you need to know about the car distraction laws in the United States.
The answer is an absolute NO. It is prohibited in almost all parts of the world and you’ll have near to zero defense if the law catches you. However, the “Hands-Free driving Act” is something you must know about. According to this act, you can use your earpiece, smartwatch or car’s Bluetooth to take a call. You are still not allowed to connect your device while you are driving.
This act also includes the “one-button” rule. It allows you to use GPS and Siri etc. but you can’t put new information in it as long as your car is moving, unparked.
Let me say this loud and clear, a distracted driver is not your fault. If you are the victim of a distracted driver, then you’ll have a strong case against him or her. You are not responsible if they are disobeying the law.
If you live in the US, then you must know that America is very sensitive about driving laws. Therefore clear your head from all doubt. You most certainly have a case against the driver if you are the victim. If you want to file a case, then you can do it by contacting a good law firm to represent you.
You will not have a defense if you are driving distractedly. Even the violation of the handsfree act can cost you a fine and in the worst-case scenario, you could lose your licensee for good.
In some cases, an accident caused by a distracted driver is more costly than regular driving accidents. Roughly, nine people are killed and more than 1,000 injured daily in accidents in which at least one driver was distracted.
It’s not rocket science. All you have to do is respect the law and you’ll do just fine. Don’t let thoughts like “It’s fine. The road is clear anyway,” or “I am doing it for this one time only and I’ll not do it again,” cross your mind.
Here are some of the tips which will help you avoid distractions while driving:
Lastly, you have to understand that circumstances on the road can be very unpredictable. Being careful is the only way to avoid any mishap. Therefore, always remain vigilant and drive safely.