An attorney will provide you with expert representation and will gather the right evidence. It's also important to file your claim right away. Many cases must be filed within three years prior of your injury or illness. The sooner you file, the better.
Every case is different. This is why there's no fixed sum. Your attorney can give you an idea of how much your case is worth.
Some attorneys have an accreditation or other qualifications. These show that they are actually an expert and qualified to practice law in a specific area. You can use the internet to find an attorney in your area, which will make finding and choosing a personal injury lawyer much easier.
If you have anything you think is evidence about your illness or accident, then bring it. This can include things such as video evidence. Your lawyer will be able to tell you what you should bring, which may include medical evidence.
Different attorneys charge different fees. You can find out how much an attorney charges by visiting their website or you can call them directly. Sometimes the initial consultation is free, or it may be a one-off payment.
Some attorneys won't charge you anything unless they win. Sometimes they will make fixed-cost payments. The good news is you might qualify for help with paying your legal fees.
Various factors come into play, such as whether or not the other side is cooperating and the facts surrounding your case. Whether your case goes to court and if an agreement is made out of court are other factors. Generally speaking, cases involving short-term injuries can be resolved within weeks, while more serious injuries can take years to settle.
If you are now permanently disabled due to your illness or accident, then it can tale more than four years for everything to be resolved.
Do you have a medical certificate or other medical evidence? If so, then show them to your attorney. They will let you know whether that's good enough or if you should gather more medical evidence.