As a car accident lawyer, you don’t want to repeat what every other fellow out there is doing. That’s boring to the clients since they already know what your competitors are up to. Instead, you need to sell yourself in an outstanding way that greatly resonates with your target audience. This is especially true in the legal industry since it’s getting more crowded with every passing of the day.
Here are a few handy tips to help build your legal brand:
You can look at brand identity as the visible elements that distinguish your business from the rest. Examples of these elements are:
All of these should be unique so the public identifies them with your law firm. For instance, when a stranger sees your logo, they shouldn’t mistake it for another firm they know. The same is true for all the other elements listed above.
Also, ensure that they’re done professionally. When potential clients land at your website, don’t allow them to move to the next one because of poor user experience. Give them a reason to hang around and interact with you or your content. Eventually, there’s a possibility they might do business with you.
Don’t imagine that portraying yourself as a jack of all trades is a smart move. Usually, people want to know exactly what they can get from you. So, list down the range of services you offer. What problems do you solve? Make it clear to the public.
Being a car accident lawyer, you’d want to include aspects like the following:
By doing so, you won’t trouble potential clients by making inquiries for services you don’t offer. It also increases your conversion rates since whoever calls you already knows what kind of cases you deal with.
Whether you’re operating your law firm as an individual or as a team with other lawyers, personal branding is very important. In other words, each lawyer in the team must showcase their skills and strengths. They should do it in an effective manner that wins the hearts of people with court cases.
Understand that, for every case, a particular lawyer within the team deals with the client from the start to the end. Thus, clients want to know that the lawyer handling their case is highly skilled. So, in addition to the firm branding, let each member of the firm brand themselves.
In this time and age, a bigger percentage of people turn to search engines to look for information about virtually anything. Before a potential client hires you, they’ll most probably look you up on the internet to try to find out what kind of lawyer you are. If they don’t find you online, they can easily brush you off as non-competent.
For this reason, make a point of starting a blog. Curate content that helps solve people’s problems. Also, share the same content on several social media platforms. This is a good way to interact with your target audience. The more you engage with them, the stronger the connection you create. Thus, doing business with you won’t be difficult, which is what the public loves.
A brand voice is vital for establishing a tight bond with your target audience. Every print, audio, or video material you place out there has a message you’re trying to pass across. So, what’s the overall tone of such messages? Do the clients find it lovely?
If that’s the case, good. But if not, try to improve your way of communicating with the masses. Consider going for a brand voice that’s professional, friendly, service-oriented, conversational, and informative. The better your brand voice, the better the connection you create with potential customers.
Additionally, be consistent with your voice so that your fans can immediately recognise a message from you, even if you don’t outrightly state it.
Given the hundreds of firms that are out there competing for the same customers, there’s a need to stand out as a car accident lawyer. To get your fair share of the market, you need to make a conscious effort to build your legal brand. Use the tips above as a starting point, and then explore even more ways.