On 5 July 2021, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) published a report on the application of the polluter pays principle in the European Union. This report was intended to determine whether the principle was appropriately applied in four EU environmental policy areas, namely industrial pollution, waste, water, and soil.
Two main issues justified this audit:
The polluter pays principle was created for the first time in 1972 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In 1992, the United Nations Declaration on Environment and Development recognised this principle as one of the twenty-seven guiding principles for future sustainable development.
The scope of the polluter pays principle has significantly increased since its creation. Indeed, at first, it only concerned the prevention and control costs against pollution. It was then extended to the costs of the measures taken by the authorities to address pollutant emissions and was then further extended to cover environmental liability. In other words, polluters should theoretically bear all the costs of the environmental damage they cause. Consequently, the European Commission needs to draft legislation based on the polluter pays principle and all Member States need to transpose, apply, and enforce environmental directives and regulations.
In France, the polluter pays principle is covered by Article L. 110-1 of the French Environmental Code according to which "the costs resulting from the prevention, reduction of pollution and fight against such pollution shall be borne by the polluter". This principle has a constitutional value given that it is implicitly mentioned in the body of the Environmental Charter, which provides that "any person shall contribute to remedying damage caused to the environment, in the conditions laid down by the law" (Article 4). Consequently, the polluter pays principle is used as a legal basis for the new rules on the indemnification of environmental damage created by the Biodiversity Law of 2016.
In the scope of its audit, the ECA has noted that the polluter pays principle is not applied uniformly. Indeed, it is not applied to the same extent depending on the environmental policy area:
The ECA concludes its report by stating that the coverage and application of the polluter pays principle is still widely incomplete. The Court further notes that the budget of the European Union is often used to finance decontamination actions, the costs of which should, pursuant to the polluter pays principle, be borne by the polluters themselves.
As a result, to help better integrate this principle, the ECA has issued three recommendations for the attention of the European Commission:
This report will undoubtedly push the European Commission to legislate and order the Member States to all have a homogeneous approach to the polluter pays principle, irrespective of the type of pollution at stake. Companies should anticipate this when entering into Lease or Purchase agreements of sites and/or buildings to ensure that any and all pollution that may be identified in the future remains the burden of the previous owner for instance. Indeed, there is a limit to the polluter pays principle which is of significant importance: contractual clause stating otherwise.
About the author: Sylvie Gallage-Alwis is a partner at the Paris office of specialist commercial disputes law firm, Signature Litigation.
With special thanks to Clara Heising, trainee at Signature Litigation.