What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone says “lawyer?” It typically conjures up images of a stuffy, old man who wears a tie and speaks with an accent. And while this may be true for some lawyers, there are plenty of exceptions. In fact, many attorneys have become more progressive over the years and they offer services tailored to people in different areas.
If you find yourself in need of legal assistance because your driving privileges were revoked for any reason, it is important that you know what steps to take next. You should consult with an attorney as soon as possible because if you do not act quickly enough on your own behalf then it could result in more severe consequences. Let's look at how your attorney can help protect your driving privileges.
There are also some cases where you may be faced with an administrative hearing that results in a decision about your driving privileges. While it is not up to the discretion of the judge, there are ways for DUI Lawyers to sway their opinion. For instance, if you were involved in something like a car accident or speeding incident then by all means let the attorney address that.
If you were caught driving without a valid license then it would be harder to defend your actions in this sort of setting. If the attorney can prove that this was an isolated incident and not something that happened on a regular basis, there is a good chance they may take pity on you and help protect your driving privileges.
If you find yourself in a situation where your driving privileges are revoked, it's important that you take action immediately. There are plenty of attorneys out there who specialise in this sort of thing and they would be more than happy to do whatever they can to help you. In the end, this could mean taking measures to prevent future incidents or it could protect what you do have in place.
If you are facing revocation of your driving privileges, it's possible that simply paying the fine and taking the suspension is not an option. This means that there may be a hearing in front of a judge who will decide your fate. If you do not handle this situation correctly then it could mean that your case will get dismissed or you might lose your opportunity to plead your case. This is why it's so important to let an attorney with experience in this sort of thing handle your case for you.
If the hearing results in a ruling that you are personally responsible for causing, then there may be an option to appeal the decision. While it's perfectly understandable if you are worried about facing more fines and suspensions, it is important to remember that this is a situation you can overcome. It's not like the sky is falling and there are no other options out there for you to use moving forward.
As previously mentioned, if the administrative court ruled against your favour and you are not comfortable with the consequences then there may be an option to appeal. You should also know that even if you lost at this level, it does not mean that the judge's ruling is final. You may have another opportunity to reopen your case via motion. Regardless of what is decided in these hearings, you should be proud that you have the courage to stand up for yourself against something so powerful.
It's important to remember that there are legitimate reasons why someone may lose their driving privileges. Sometimes accidents happen and this could mean that you caused more damage than intended. For instance, maybe there was a need to swerve suddenly or there was a construction that you didn't account for. In the end, it's not as if your license is going to be revoked forever. If you were solely responsible for getting yourself into this situation then maybe the consequences are actually justified.