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How Can ‘No-Code’ Digitally Transform the Legal Sector?

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Posted: 28th February 2022 by
Mat Rule
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The legal sector’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic opens many doors to advancements facilitated through new technology.

A digital revolution is well underway in every industry. Companies are replacing outdated processes and systems with modern technology that increases productivity and delivers more rewarding experiences for employees and clients.

However, due to the sensitive work carried out in the legal profession, there is no room for risk and zero tolerance for failure. As such, the sector has been slower to digital transformation than other industries. A study by Gartner shows that 81% of legal departments are unprepared for digitalisation, and according to Wolters Kluwer’s Future Ready Lawyer report, only 33% of lawyers believe their organisation is ‘very prepared’ to keep up with technology changes and digital transformation.

However, going digital is no longer optional for legal firms. Pressure to digitise is coming from clients with high expectations of convenience and tech-savvy young lawyers who find old-fashioned, laborious working methods unacceptable. Legal firms must find a way to overcome traditional barriers to digital transformation to ensure they not only survive but thrive in the new digital age.

The challenges of change 

The legal sector’s unique characteristics may explain why firms have been hesitant to explore new technologies. Real concerns around data security, transparency, compliance, and client confidentiality can make large-scale change risky. Many firms also depend on multiple legacy systems, which are more difficult to integrate with newer technologies. This spread of technologies create data siloes, which make it difficult to gain a single view of a client. Historically, firms have also been weighed down by admin-heavy processes, resulting in longer case times and missed opportunities to serve more clients.

Pressure to digitise is coming from clients with high expectations of convenience and tech-savvy young lawyers who find old-fashioned, laborious working methods unacceptable.

Up until now, overcoming these challenges would require specific developer expertise and substantial IT budgets. Ultimately, switching to new ways of working requires a willingness to experiment – which, for an industry with zero tolerance for failure, would be a major cultural shift. Still, even the most reluctant firms have had little choice but to reimagine business processes in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated most companies’ digital transformation plans, as firms suddenly faced work-from-home mandates and conducting client meetings and hearings online. Technology became key to survival, and according to the Wolters Kluwer survey, those who had already adopted modern technology solutions were best prepared to support clients remotely at the start of the pandemic.

Now that they have had to take the first steps along the road to digital transformation, legal firms are primed to look at how technology can not only support business continuity, but enable them to capitalise on this opportunity to drive business growth, increase efficiency and open new revenue and client service opportunities.

Building applications with no-code 

Fortunately, technologies are available that can help firms innovate quickly at reduced risk. A no-code enterprise development platform can help the legal sector build complex digital solutions significantly faster and at a fraction of the cost of traditional software development. Using no-code, the development of business-transforming integrations, applications and automations is rapid. Developers, business architects, and 'citizen developers' work with easy-to-use building blocks to quickly assemble solutions without writing code, which helps reduce pressure on developers. Certain platforms also give high coders the ability to build reusable integrations and to extend the core no-code capabilities.

Using no-code, the development of business-transforming integrations, applications and automations is rapid.

Critically, the combination of no-code apps and automation also helps legal firms overcome their integration challenges, as they can be weaved into the business. Applications can be seamlessly integrated with automation projects to transform processes and eliminate labour-intensive tasks. This time can be re-invested into the organisation as legal staff are freed up to focus on delivering an outstanding client experience.

Transforming legal processes 

There are many opportunities for the no-code apps and automation approach to transform processes and services within the legal sector. For instance, users could build an app that allows legal staff to have a single view of all cases, their current status and their level of profitability. Central to a firm’s operation and often a source of frustration, case management systems require time and effort to administrate, and accuracy of information is also always at risk since manual tasks are prone to human error. With a no-code enterprise development platform, firms can easily integrate systems and create a consolidated view of case information that is more accessible to key stakeholders.

Firms could also use no-code to build online portals to manage client payments and appointment bookings. If a client can book a hair appointment or even a flight using their smartphone, it is no surprise that they expect to be able to book an appointment with their lawyer just as easily. With no-code, firms can create a system that automates KYC checks and integrates with common ID verification and fraud prevention solutions, such as ID3global and Tracesmart. Clients can set their own schedule and make payments at their convenience. Not only can a portal enhance the client experience, but it cuts down on manual administration, freeing up staff to focus on higher value activities.


A technological turning point 

There is no doubt that adopting a digital way of working can help increase productivity and attract new talent and clients. Until recently, the barriers to digital transformation that legal firms face have been insurmountable. However, a no-code enterprise development platform containing apps and automation can create a turning point for the legal sector. Firms can modernise processes one-by-one, at minimal cost and risk, deliver outstanding customer experiences and join the digital revolution.


Mat Rule, CEO


Davidson House, Forbury Square, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 3EU

Tel: 44 02080 501502



Mat Rule is the founder of Toca, a UK software business that intends to build the most advanced no-code development platform yet devised. The platform’s goal is to transform IT project delivery, empowering teams to build sophisticated integrations, automations and applications in days and weeks, instead of months and years. This reduces pressure on developers and delivers digital transformation projects quicker, at lower cost and with no technical debt.

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