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What Happens When You Violate The Terms Of Probation?

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Posted: 21st June 2022
Lawyer Monthly
Last updated 18th July 2024
Probation concept; closely watched
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According to the US Bureau of Prisons, a condition of release is that those on community supervision are not allowed to violate the terms and conditions of their probation without cause and consent from the supervising officer. If you break these rules, you may be found in violation, and your sentence will likely be extended. If you're out on probation, remember that it's essential that you remain in compliance with all of the restrictions set forth by the court, so they don't extend your time in prison. If you violate any of the terms, you'll be arrested, charged with contempt, and face the possibility of jail or community service. 

If you're convicted for a crime that requires probation, and you violate your probation, it will likely affect your ability to gain employment, move to a different state or take out loans.

Judges may also add more time to your sentence if you break the terms of probation. The term "probation" is defined by law as an "order for release without supervision in anticipation of rehabilitation. Under the control of a probation officer, the person released must report periodically to the probation officer. Additionally, he must perform certain assignments and abide by specific conditions of release. Probation officers review reports submitted by those on probation, conduct home visits, and visit places where the subject may be. These individuals will, twice a year, submit a performance report to their supervising officer. If you violate any term or condition, it may likely be brought up at one of these meetings.

What Is Probation?

Probation is a punishment administered by a judge following a conviction for a criminal offence. While serving probation, you'll typically be required to remain law-abiding and avoid breaking any more laws. Reasons for violating probation require that you report to a probation officer on set dates. Several conditions may be set forth by the court, including but not limited to the requirement that you must refrain from drinking alcohol or entering bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. You'll also have to report to a probation officer if you're arrested and charged with a new crime. If you violate these rules, the judge may extend your time in prison.

Probation occurs when a judge sentences someone convicted of a felony or misdemeanour (a crime that can result in imprisonment) to serve time in prison rather than being sent directly to jail. This means that the convict must serve time on probation before they are released from jail or prison.

What Is A Probation Violation?

A probation violation occurs when a person serving time on probation violates any of the terms or conditions set forth by the court. Some of these violations include skipping court-ordered meetings with your probation officer, failing to report an address change, failing to complete tasks assigned by your supervisor, and moving to another state without permission from the court. The judge may also extend your sentence or order the imposition of additional conditions to keep you on probation.

You can violate the terms of your probation if you willfully refuse to obey the law or break any rules for which you were sentenced. If this happens, you may be charged with contempt of court and face jail time. It is also possible that the judge will choose to extend your prison term or give you another sentence if this is the case.

Penalties For Violating Probation

If you violate your probation, the judge can choose to place you back in prison for some time. For example, if you were on probation for a misdemeanour and another crime was considered a felony, you may be sent to jail. If the violation is inconsequential, such as when an individual fails to pay their court-ordered fines, they may just be made to pay the fine in full. However, if you were sentenced to serve time in prison for a felony or misdemeanour, the judge may revoke your probation and send you back to prison. If a judge sentences you to more than one year in prison, he may forbid you from obtaining employment or assistance from the government. The judge can also require you to pay additional fines or perform some community service as well.

Accused Of Violating Probation?

If you're charged with violating probation, the court may have already taken your passport away, terminated your employment, and revoked any benefits. If you're accused of violating probation, you may face time in prison or be ordered to pay additional fines. You must contact an attorney as soon as possible. A skilled attorney will help you navigate what is typically a complex process. If you want to know more about probation or if you've been accused of violating your probation, contact a criminal defence attorney today.


Whether you've been convicted of a felony or misdemeanour, probation is a way to ensure that your sentence is served without using an ankle bracelet. This gives you the chance to return to your community and live in peace. While it seems like a great deal, you must meet all the conditions set forth by the court to avoid being sent back to jail for violating probation. If you're accused of violating your probation, contact an experienced attorney to receive the best representation possible.


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