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5 Important Details to Know about Personal Injury Cases

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Posted: 27th July 2023
Lawyer Monthly
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When you’re dealing with painful injuries, filing a personal injury claim is the next logical step.

However, you need to know some very important details before you can get the ball rolling. These five important details are crucial to keep in mind.

#1 - Time Is of the Essence

For any kind of personal injury accident, it’s understandable that you’ll be shaken up and in a great deal of pain. Despite this, you need to start acting as soon as possible to file your claim. Every state has a statute of limitations that puts a time limit on when you can file a personal injury case. In Florida, this statute of limitations is two years from the date the accident occurred.

This may seem like plenty of time, but the longer you wait, the harder it may be to prove the other party was negligent. Evidence is easier to gather immediately following the incident. Eyewitnesses will still have the event fresh in their minds, but their memories might fade over time.

#2 - Don’t Expect Things to Be Resolved Quickly

Even though you will need to act quickly to get your personal injury case moving through the legal system, it won’t be resolved instantly. It takes time to gather the evidence and documentation to support your claim.

As the injured party, you have the burden of proof. There will be negotiations with the defendant and some back and forth, which could take months or even years in a complex case. If you hire a personal injury attorney, it will be a far smoother process than if you attempted to handle it yourself.

#3 - You Can Get Compensation for More Than Just Medical Bills

Most people are surprised to find out that they can be compensated for more than their medical bills or property damage. Those who hire an attorney soon learn they can be compensated for lost wages, future medical expenses, loss of earning capacity, mental anguish, and pain and suffering.

#4 - You Can Damage Your Case by Talking About It

You’ve been through a lot with your injuries, and it’s only natural to want to talk about it. However, chatting with friends and family can be risky for your personal injury case. You never know who the defendant’s attorney will investigate to try and negate your claims. It’s also a good idea to refrain from posting anything on social media. The other party will be looking for any evidence that shows you’re not as seriously injured as you claim.

#5 - You’ll Have the Best Results with a Personal Injury Attorney

No matter what kind of personal injury case you have, the physical, mental, and emotional tolls it takes on you are exhausting. If you try to handle your case on your own, you have an even greater burden to bear.

A personal injury attorney is the best person to help you succeed with your case. They know how to negotiate with insurance companies and calculate the full extent of your damages. All too often, plaintiffs accept a settlement check for an amount that is far below what they need to cover medical bills, property damage, and lost wages. They don’t even realize they can be compensated for the anxiety they feel in the aftermath.

Get a free initial consultation with a Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer, and you’ll be able to learn more about the potential outcomes of your case. Look for an attorney with experience handling your type of case and who is responsive to ensure you’ve found the right one to represent you. 

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