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How to Effectively Work with Your Cincinnati Criminal Defense Attorney

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Posted: 9th January 2024
Lawyer Monthly
Last updated 12th July 2024
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With punitive consequences and the threat of being societally stigmatized, most people are motivated to avoid being branded a criminal. Those who successfully beat criminal charges usually have secured the help of a criminal defence attorney. 

The skilled defense attorneys of Cincinnati at Ernst & Associates are available for such situations. If you’ve been charged or suspect you will be soon, you can contact us today to explore your legal options. There are measures you can enact to ensure that you’re contributing to the success of your defence.

A Culture of Open and Transparent Communication

As with any relationship, communication with your defence attorney is paramount. Be open and transparent from start to finish, staying focused on the end goal, remaining inquisitive, and paying attention to details. 

The more informed your attorney is, the more accurately they can build a formidable defence strategy tailored to your specific circumstances.

Brevity and Efficiency

Time is always of the essence; especially when legal proceedings are underway. Prompt and accurate responses are essential for the success of your defence strategy. Think twice and speak once. If you don’t know something, state it plainly and move on whenever possible. 

Additionally, punctuality is a must. As the saying goes, “Early is on time. On time is late.” Punctuality is essential during legal proceedings. Be prepared to arrive at all scheduled appointments at least half an hour early.

Stay Informed About Your Case

The presence of an attorney is no excuse for lacking awareness about the details of your case. You should be diligent in gathering as much information as possible regarding your situation. You should know the charges you're facing, all relevant defence strategies, the estimated time of trial, and the agendas and reputations of the prosecuting attorneys and the judge.

Strategize Collaboratively

Despite your criminal defence attorney being a career professional, your insight and input can be an invaluable resource when strategizing a defence. Make yourself a member of the team by inquiring about the details of the role you can play, and take steps to meet and exceed your potential. Take ownership of your circumstances by actively participating in maintaining your innocence.

Expectation Management

Expectations need to be managed with care and perspective. The legal arena is no place for hail marys. Balancing one’s hopes for a positive outcome against realistic expectations based on the probability of outcomes takes skill and effort. This is when cooler heads tend to prevail in the legal arena. 

Trusting Your Counsel to Guide You

After you’ve secured a reputable and experienced criminal defence attorney and set a goal, your next order of business is trusting the process. The proof of your trust in the process lies in your compliance with their directions. Failure to comply can result in your defence strategies being compromised beyond repair. 

Document Everything

In the legal realm, documentation is a top-tier priority. Records of all relevant communications, official court documents, and anything else related to your case should be kept safe, organized by date, and filled with detailed notes. This detail-oriented approach assists your defence attorney by arming them with the option to use these documents if needed. 


Criminal charges can range from misdemeanour offences to serious felonies. In all cases, the fact remains that you’ll want to gain as much leverage as possible to avoid being convicted. Working effectively with your criminal defence attorney is one of the best points of leverage to put to work on your way to being acquitted. 

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