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What Are the Legal Avenues Available to Families Seeking Justice After a Wrongful Death Incident?

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Posted: 17th May 2024 by
Lawyer Monthly
Last updated 12th July 2024
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An unexpected loss due to someone else's negligence can be devastating, yet wrongful death lawsuits provide some measure of justice and financial protection for the survivors left behind.

An unexpected loss due to someone else's negligence can be devastating, yet wrongful death lawsuits provide some measure of justice and financial protection for the survivors left behind.

Wrongful death covers an array of situations, such as:

  • Car accidents: Involved with drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, or failing to yield to right of way rules
  • Medical malpractice: When healthcare providers make errors that lead to fatality.
  • Workplace accidents: caused by unsafe working conditions, malfunctioning equipment or employer negligence in safety protocols. Product Liability: when an unsafe product causes death.
  • Premises liability: It occurs when a property owner fails to properly maintain their premises, leading to fatal accidents.
  • Wrongful death due to violent crime: While criminal proceedings address punishment for perpetrators of violent crime, civil cases seek compensation from them through wrongful death lawsuits.

1. Filing Civil Lawsuits to Seek Compensation

Families can file civil suits against those responsible (defendant), in order to seek compensation for various losses that were suffered as a result of death. This includes medical expenses incurred before the death, funeral and burial costs, lost income the deceased would have earned, and the value of the services they provided around the house (like childcare).

 It can also encompass the pain and suffering of the deceased if they lingered for some time after the incident, and the survivors' own pain and suffering from losing their loved one.

2. Criminal Justice and Accountability

When wrongful deaths result from criminal activities, the focus is shifted from financial compensation to holding those responsible accountable through criminal prosecution.

In these instances, the state files charges directly against those charged instead of any family members filing charges themselves.

Here's a breakdown of how criminal prosecution in wrongful death cases works:

  • Charges: Depending on the specifics of each death, potential charges could vary significantly from these examples; here are some common options to keep an eye on:
  • Murder: Any act of intentional and premeditated murder carries harsher penalties, potentially including life imprisonment or even the death penalty depending on where it takes place.
  • Manslaughter: Occurs when an unintended death results from reckless or negligent acts and penalties tend to be less severe than in cases of murder.
  • Involuntary Manslaughter: Occurs when death results from an accident but the perpetrator had an obligation to act safely but violated that duty - this often results in less severe penalties than murder or manslaughter. 

Family Involvement in Criminal Justice Process

While state prosecutors handle each case, families play an essential part in the criminal justice process. Families can:

  • Provide assistance during investigations: Such as providing details regarding the deceased and the circumstances of their deaths
  • Witness: They can testify in court regarding their relationship to the deceased and the impact of losing them.  
  • Submit Claims for Compensation: Many jurisdictions offer programs to assist victims of crime with any financial burdens caused by the offense

Key Differences Between Criminal and Civil Cases

It is crucial that individuals understand the differences between criminal prosecution and wrongful death lawsuits:

  • Burden of Proof: Criminal cases entail an elevated burden of proof; the prosecution must establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is much higher than what would be required in civil lawsuits.
  • Outcome: If the defendant is found guilty, punishment could include imprisonment, fines or community service. In cases involving the wrongful death of someone close to them, financial compensation will likely be awarded as the outcome.
  • Focus: Criminal prosecution seeks to punish those responsible and uphold the law; while wrongful death suits attempt to compensate surviving family members for their losses.

1. Establishing Negligence and Liability

  • Duty of Care: Proving negligence in most wrongful death lawsuits hinges upon establishing that the defendant owed a duty of care to the deceased. For instance, drivers owe this obligation by following traffic laws and acting safely so as to prevent accidents.
  • Breach of Duty: Proving that the defendant violated their duty requires showing they did so either negligently or intentionally - such as reckless driving, product defects, property owners failing to ensure safe environments or medical pros making errors.
  • Direct Causation: Finally, there must be an unmistakable connection between the breach of duty and death. Whether by way of action taken or inactions taken leading directly to this consequence.

2. Deadlines and Time Limits for Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Wrongful death lawsuits are subject to statutes of limitation that set an official filing deadline, typically one to three years post-mortem. Missing this deadline can significantly diminish or even preclude future legal options for compensation.

3. Types of Damages and Compensation

  • Economic Damages: Foreign family members can claim for economic damages they incurred, such as medical bills, lost income from the deceased (including future earnings potential if applicable), household services they provided and future earnings potential from future employment contracts negotiated during life before death.
  • Non-Economic Damages: Wrongful deaths often leave their survivors suffering emotionally and psychologically, as well as tangible losses such as pain and suffering, companionship loss and guidance loss that are sometimes compensable by the State.
  • Punitive Damages: In cases of gross misconduct or intentional wrongdoing, punitive damages may be awarded in order to punish the offending party and deter future instances of similar behaviour.

4. Determining Defendants and Insurance Coverage

  • Wrongful Death Litigation: A wrongful death claim can be filed against any party who contributed directly or indirectly to its cause. This could include individuals, companies or government entities or even multiple defendants who shared responsibility.
  • Insurance Coverage: It is vitally important to identify any policies the defendant may possess that could provide compensation, such as car, homeowner's, product liability or malpractice insurance policies.  

5. Settlement vs. Trial

Reaching a Resolution

Wrongful death lawsuits may be settled out-of-court through negotiation with the defendant's insurance company for faster and less emotionally draining resolution. However, compensation may be lower than would be awarded by a jury during trial proceedings.

Present Your Case

When settlement fails to materialize, legal teams present evidence and arguments before a judge or jury who then determines liability and damages. Trials can be long and expensive processes; however, they also offer the potential for greater payouts.

1. Importance of Legal Representation

Wrongful death cases can be complex and emotional, so having a qualified wrongful death lawyer in Houston URL by your side is of vital importance.

Legal experts can guide you through the legal process, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies and fight for the compensation that is due.

2. Emotional and Practical Considerations: Coping with Loss

  • Grieve Appropriately: Coping with loss while simultaneously dealing with legal proceedings can be deeply upsetting, so give yourself plenty of time for grieving while reaching out for support from friends, family or a therapist.
  • Financial Considerations: Legal representation comes at a cost; to get an idea of the costs involved with hiring one, discuss fees and payment plans upfront with your attorney and consider potential financial rewards from negligent parties or their insurer.
  • Duration of Legal Process: Wrongful death lawsuits may take months or even years to resolve, depending on their complexity and whether they proceed into trial. Be prepared that these proceedings could go on for some time.

3. Legal Precedents and Case Law: Examining Similar Cases

Attorneys must be familiar with any relevant legal precedents or case laws which have established legal principles for negligence, liability and damages cases similar to your own. 

Additional Considerations

Wrongful Death Statutes Vary by State

The specifics of wrongful death lawsuits vary by state, including who can file, damages eligibility criteria, and statute of limitation periods.

So it's important to consult an attorney familiar with local laws to make informed decisions and pursue any viable options available to them. To understand these laws in depth an experienced attorney must be consulted.

Sharing Compensation

Wrongful death statutes specify how compensation should be distributed among surviving family members after an individual dies as a result of negligence, which may depend on factors like financial dependence or state inheritance laws.


Wrongful death lawsuits offer families a way to seek justice and obtain some degree of financial protection after experiencing such a tragic loss.

Understanding key areas like negligence, damages, and legal representation enables families to make well-informed decisions throughout the process.

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