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Top 3 Reasons Why an E-Scooter is Risky

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Posted: 2nd September 2024
Lawyer Monthly
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Recently, the number of e-scooter users on the road has increased considerably. It goes without saying that e-scooters are a fun-filled way of getting around town. However, they also come with a number of risks and challenges. This article enumerates some of the most prominent risks associated with e-scooters and offers proactive safety tips to help you be safe on the road. 

Below are the three top reasons an e-scooter is dangerous:

Higher Risk of Object Collision 

Most e-scooters are specifically designed to be used on urban roads. Unfortunately, many riders use them in pedestrian areas and on sidewalks. This flippant disregard for safety precautions can harm the rider and other road users. You can find many legal insights into cases where e-scooter riders caused an accident while riding on the sidewalk from reputed attorneys like the ones at the Felix Gonzalez Accident and Injury Law Firm.

In the same vein, e-scooters may lack some of the standard safety elements that are present in most regular two-wheelers. As such, when an e-scooter rider collides with an object, it can lead to a devastating injury or fatality. Also, they lack other safety features like anti-lock brakes in standard motor vehicles. This makes it practically impossible to stop on the spot if the need arises.

An e-scooter rider using the sidewalk must be extra careful of pedestrians because you are not supposed to use that place for your ride. However, if you are a pedestrian, you must also make sure to walk cautiously because e-scooters are now everywhere, and ultimately, only you can ever be fully responsible for your own safety. If you fail to keep an eye out for them, you are endangering yourself.

E-Scooters Are Unstable

E-scooters need a motor for effective operation due to their motorized nature. However, many e-scooters lack an efficient engine, leading to their instability. This deficiency becomes all the more clear while taking sharp turns or driving at high speeds. Losing control of your e-scooter can easily lead to you falling off the vehicle and suffering an injury. Riding carefully and slowly is crucial to avoid this ugly scenario. This piece of advice is even more essential for a newbie. 

Furthermore, riders should be completely aware and conscious of their environment to react promptly if the need for it arises. As a general practice, make sure to always act proactively for your safety and be prepared to accommodate any variable factors that may come up due to the reduced stability and stopping power of these vehicles.

Lack of Physical Protection

Unlike cars, e-scooters do not offer any kind of physical protection for their riders, similar to conventional motorcycles or scooters. Hence, if you collide with another motor vehicle, you are most likely to be at the receiving end. You will sustain more injuries because your e-scooter does not offer any element of physical protection. Hence, you should make sure to never ride an e-scooter without your protective gear and helmet. Furthermore, it’s a good idea to check the weather forecast before stepping out, as riding in bad weather conditions is unwise. Do not ride in areas with heavy traffic because you will find it challenging to maneuver your way. 


These three reasons, among others, account for the risky nature of an e-scooter. While many people focus on the fun aspect and the environmental benefits of choosing an e-scooter over a conventional vehicle, turning a blind eye to these realities and challenges can be extremely detrimental. Do not follow such a dangerous path if you do not want to put your life under undue pressure. Following the tips above will help you minimize the dangers associated with e-scooters. However, never forget that they remain motorized vehicles, and you should treat them as such. Do not be careless while riding; be constantly aware of your environment. If you religiously abide by these guidelines, you can explore your e-scooter excitedly without fearing trouble or harming yourself.

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