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Barrister Accused of Forging Will to Steal Inheritance

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Posted: 21st October 2024 by
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Barrister Accused of Forging Will to Steal Inheritance

In a shocking legal battle, a Cambridge-educated barrister has been labeled as “blatantly dishonest” in a lawsuit filed by his brother. The case centers around allegations that Robert Grierson forged their mother’s signature to unlawfully claim his share of a £1.2 million inheritance shortly before her death. This case not only raises questions about family loyalty but also the ethics of legal practice.


Allegations of Forgery and Fraud

Robert Grierson, 56, a barrister specializing in tax and will disputes, is accused of fabricating a document that granted him half of their mother Elise Grierson’s house, as well as creating a new will that disproportionately favored him after her passing on January 24, 2022. Previously, Elise had treated both Robert and his younger brother, Duncan Grierson, 55, equally in her estate planning. However, just 51 days before her death, she made significant alterations to her will, leaving Duncan with only £10,000 while Robert stood to inherit the bulk of the estate.

Duncan's lawyer, Constance McDonnell KC, argued in court that Robert’s actions stemmed from a desire to usurp their mother’s wealth. She asserted that Robert had a motive to create fraudulent documents, particularly as an expert witness indicated there was "very strong evidence" that the trust document in question was forged.

High Court Proceedings

Currently embroiled in a High Court dispute, Robert faces serious accusations of “forging” a 2013 document and drafting their mother’s final will while she was allegedly not mentally fit to do so. Robert has denied the allegations, maintaining that both documents are legitimate. However, his failure to present evidence earlier this year has limited his ability to defend himself, leading to his absence from the courtroom.

Judge Joanne Wicks KC presided over the case, learning that Mrs. Grierson and her husband had been married for 60 years, during which Robert lived with them and even operated his legal practice from their home in Sutton Coldfield. McDonnell highlighted that both parents had worked hard to ensure their sons were treated equally, making the situation even more tragic.

Family Tragedy and Legal Drama

The backdrop of this dispute is fraught with family tragedy. The brothers both pursued law degrees at Cambridge, but Duncan opted for a different career path after a few years in practice. Their father passed away under distressing circumstances in January 2022, shortly before Elise made the contested changes to her will.

After discovering their father's remains in squalid conditions, Duncan and his family were devastated. A paramedic described him as a “person living alone with no one to care for them,” prompting police involvement to investigate possible neglect. This traumatic event took a toll on Elise, who experienced an “acute grief reaction” and subsequent decline in health, ultimately leading to her passing in March 2022.

The Forgery Accusations Unfold

The situation intensified when Duncan discovered a new will in May 2022, which left Robert with nearly the entire estate. He contested the validity of this will, arguing that their mother lacked the mental capacity to understand it and that it was not properly witnessed. Additionally, he challenges a 2013 declaration of trust that Robert claims grants him a half share of their mother's £1 million home, alleging it to be forged.

McDonnell presented evidence indicating that Robert was likely the only individual capable of producing the simulated signatures on the trust document. She stated, “It is evident from Robert's own communications that he believed he was entitled, either morally or otherwise, to benefit from his mother's estate instead of Duncan.”

Related: How Do You Prove Written Forgery?

A Legal Ethical Dilemma

The case raises critical questions about the ethics of legal practitioners. Robert, as a barrister, is expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity, yet his alleged actions contradict these professional norms. McDonnell accused him of “blatantly dishonest” behavior, particularly pointing out that he had previously acknowledged the 2013 declaration as invalid.

As the High Court hearing unfolds, Judge Wicks is set to decide on the validity of the documents and the potential repercussions for Robert. Should the court find evidence of forgery, the case could lead to criminal charges against him, impacting his career as a barrister.

The Future of the Grierson Family

The implications of this case extend beyond the courtroom, touching on deep-seated familial bonds and the legacy of a once-unified family. As the legal proceedings continue, the judge's decision will determine not only the fate of Robert Grierson but also the ethical boundaries within the legal profession.

With the complexities of the Grierson family saga laid bare, the legal community and public alike await the judgment that could redefine their futures.

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