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Saur acquires Nijhuis Industries

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Posted: 30th July 2020 by
Jaya Harrar
Last updated 14th September 2021
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This merger of the group’s industrial activities with Nijhuis Industries, active in several countries in Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East, will generate significant synergies due to the complementarity of technologies, client portfolios and locations geographic.

With this new acquisition, the Saur group becomes a leader in industrial water.

Orrick accompanied the Saur group with George Rigo, Gergana Rodriguez-Bacarreza, Florent Lewkowicz, Lionel Simonet, Marc Diab Maaloouf (M&A), Patrick Hubert, Elise Durand (Antitrust), Foucaud Jaulin, Amélie Boumrah and Marie-Elise Douge (Contracts) and Frédéric Lalance (Dispute).

Heussen advised Saur with Stan Robbers and Suzanne Beijersbergen.

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