ArlatiGhislandi (AG) supported Autostrade per l’Italia in the signing of the “Expansion Contract”, which will allow the ASPI Group to carry out a challenging industrial plan based on the modernisation and strengthening of its structures through a model of sustainable, safe and digital mobility.
AG assisted Autostrade per l’Italia in the contract’s design, drafting and approval by the Ministry of Labour. The firm described the contract as a “challenging project of evolution of professional and technological know-how through generational change, allowing facilitated access to pension income, training and upskilling of key resources as well as the entry of new professional profiles.”
The contributions of AG’s team, which included Partner Massimiliano Arlati and Advisor Luca Mariani’s specific expertise in legislation and in institutional relations, allowed the drafting of a project for the reorganisation of skills in the companies of the group and for 210 new resources to enter the world of work – also through generational turnover – as well as the enhancement of staff know-how through specialised training courses. Arlati and Mariani advised on relations with Organisations and Institutions as well as Trade Union Law, while Senior Advisor Arturo Visconti advised on Pension Law.
The AG team supported ASPI in all phases of the project, ensuring the group a reallocation and competences with particular attention paid to the human resources costs that will remain in perspective until the end of the year 2023.