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Legal Strategies for Mitigating Risks in Cryptocurrency Investments

4th December 2023
Cryptocurrency investments, characterized by their volatility and innovation, present a unique set of challenges and opportunities for investors.
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What You Need to Know Before Starting a Cryptocurrency Business

29th September 2023
The escalating global economic challenges, including the freezing of bank accounts in Canada and economic sanctions linked to the conflict in Ukraine, have pushed the cryptocurrency sector to the forefront.
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SSW Group has launched its flagship private cryptocurrency fund

29th January 2021
SSW Group which carries out proprietary trading in the asset classes of equities, ETPs and bonds, has launched a flagship private cryptocurrency fund as part of its expanding digital asset offering. ISOLAS LLP advised on the launch of the private cryptocurrency fund. Founded in 2004, SSW Group focuses on liquidity provision, with automated trading and […]
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Should Cryptocurrency Be Regulated in the UK?

6th August 2019
With around 1500 cryptocurrencies now available globally, and new ones entering the market consistently, it is an area that now needs careful consideration from a legal and regulatory perspective.
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Russian Law Removes ‘Cryptocurrency’ Terminology From Draft Bill

27th September 2018
Russian traders and investors in cryptocurrencies have been waiting with baited breath for many months for the Russian government to regulate its cryptocurrency industry. While leading banks and financial institutions in Russia have voiced their willingness to work with cryptocurrencies – due largely to increased demand from Russian investors – the government has opted to […]
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Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Step in the Right Direction?

22nd June 2018
For a time, the cryptocurrency market has embodied a new “Wild West” for traders. Characterised by mayhem and disorder, we’ve seen a gold rush from traders looking to strike lucky off the back of the meteoric rise of currencies such as Bitcoin – it has been a case of ‘get involved first, figure out what […]
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Here’s How Self-Regulation Could Reinvigorate the Cryptocurrency Boom

2nd May 2018
The cryptocurrency space has been fraught with cases of fraud and scams and with it being such a new industry with little in the way of regulation, it has been an ongoing focus of governments. This focus has only increased in recent months due to the number of high profile incidents, such as the theft […]
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