Lawyer Monthly - Media Pack 2024

Media Pack 2024

About Us Connnecting the Legal and the Business World, Globally. Lawyer Monthly is an immensely popular global publication delivering legal news, comment and analysis to those at the centre of the legal world. Lawyer Monthly reports on the news and topics that matter to Lawyers, General Councils, Barristers, Attorneys and the entire legal profession including those seeking to connect with it, from law students to businesses worldwide. We’re a multi-platform publication, offering global legal coverage and content both online and in a variety of digital formats, distributed to over 400,000 people each month. Lawyer Monthly is proud to provide a balanced mix of insight and analysis. Our editorial focus tracks legal news from across key practices areas, jurisdictions and sectors. We also publish special features and reports designed to provide a deeper understanding of the recent global trends in law. In addition to our own editorial pieces, Lawyer Monthly’s features contains contributions from respected industry leaders, analysts and commentators to help provide quality articles for our readers. Written for those with an interest in the latest legal developments whether they be legal professionals or businesses seeking legal counsel, Lawyer Monthly produces sharp and insightful commentary on today’s legal landscape and the events that affect the legal world from the viewpoint of expert lawyers and businesses every month.

Magazine Awards

400k 58k 210 8 k Readers p/month Unique Web Users p/month Average Pageviews p/session Pageviews p/month

59k 600k Social Media Followers Social Media Reach p/month

Lawyer Monthly Readership Lawyer Monthly magazine has been delivering legal content for consumers and businesses for over 14 years. Our expert editorial team work with private practice lawyers, in-house legal teams, expert witnesses and consultants to deliver original content to over 400,000 readers and subscribers each month. Readership by subscription type: Business – 33% Consumer – 28% Private Practice Law – 20% In House Counsel – 17% Government and Non-Profit – 2%

33% 20% 17% 2% 28% Business Consumer Private Practice Law In House Counsel Government & Non-Profit

28% 7% 16% 38% 7% 4% Global Reach

Readers Lawyer Monthly readers comprise the legal elite: Lawyers, Attorneys, Barristers and Partners, all of whom consistently excel in law careers and the firms they work for. In addition to current legal gamechangers, our magazine is regularly consumed by the future stars of the legal world from graduates to law students studying in the best colleges and universities worldwide. Over 750,000 of these leading legal professionals have been reading and enjoying our magazine and website online and in print in the last few months alone. Over a quarter of our readers earn in excess of $125,000 (£90,000) and 60% conduct business in a partner/executive role or higher. With 75% of our audience in thriving Private Practices our Lawyer Monthly readership represents highly successful legal professionals working across a range of sectors who sit at the forefront of their business, making decisions and leading change daily. Away from work, our readers are connoisseurs of the best life has to offer. They are passionate about travel, luxurious possessions and expect the best service, with over 72% of our readers choosing premium brands above all others. Our readers invest equal amounts of time into their businesses as they do families, who remain their primary emphasis beyond work. Ambitious and successful, our readers are discerning, distinguished and demand the quality Lawyer Monthly offers. 28-45 58% 42% $75k 39% $195k 79% 62% Avg. Age Range Male Female Avg. Car Value Own 2+ Homes Avg. Income Work 5+ Days p/week Have Children

We Work With The Best Lawyer Monthly is the choice for frims worldwide to increase their exposure. We work with and feature some of the biggest global legal businesses each month, across a multitude of sectors. Some of our top contributors have included:

Not Just for Lawyers Many legal journals are very much about creating content by lawyers for lawyers. Whilst we do this too, we also create content by lawyers for the corporations and business that need legal services. This clear point of difference means that your message reaches potential clients not just your contemporaries.

Exclusive Editorials Original editorial content and features tackling the big issues in the legal world. Expert Witness Discover the legal challenges and complexities that accompany the role of Expert Witnesses as we interview and uncover the realities of providing expert testimony and advice during legal cases. News & Updates Staying up to date with the latest news and the key changes that affect your business. Transaction Reports All the information on the latest M&A deals and worldwide acquisitions. Legal Lifestyle Legal Lifestyle inspires with the best travel, great escapes and premium products all exclusively selected to enrich the lives of legal professionals around the globe.

Advertise in the Magazine Advertising with Lawyer Monthly offers a unique showcase for the businesses and products that reflect the luxury lifestyle our readers are accustomed to. With the majority of in the top bracket of earners worldwide, Lawyer Monthly is the perfect place to promote your product in the Online space. Designed to suit all budgets, advertisers can be reassured that they will reach a high-earning, privileged and discerning readership globally. Half Page Landscape Double Page Spread £1,295 £795 £395 £395 420 x 275mm (+5mm Bleed) 83 x 230mm (No Bleed) 170 x 112mm (No Bleed) 210 x 275 (+5mm Bleed) Full Page Half Page Vertical

Online In addition to our popular magazine, Lawyer Monthly is also home to a polished, professional online news website which offers more quality content and news, resulting in Lawyer Monthly becoming an authority in Law for our thousands of online subscribers and readers. secures 210,000 pageviews per month across the globe. Presenting a wide range of features, opinion analysis, web exclusive articles, and videos featuring regular contributions from respected legal experts and business leaders. Lawyer Monthly Online features the latest breaking news and features, researched and curated by our talented in-house journalists who explore the legal sphere daily to bring the best content to our readers. Lawyer Monthly’s continued growth online has secured our website’s status as a highly respected and well-established global legal news hub for lawyers and businesses around the world.

Advertise Online Advertising with Lawyer Monthly offers a unique showcase for the businesses and products that reflect the luxury lifestyle our readers are accustomed to. With the majority of in the top bracket of earners worldwide, Lawyer Monthly is the perfect place to promote your product in the Online space. Designed to suit all budgets, advertisers can be reassured that they will reach a high-earning, privileged and discerning readership globally. 58k 8 210k Unique Web Users p/month Average Pageviews p/session Pageviews p/month Panorama Banner Background Takerover Background Takerover Title Banner Skyscraper Banner MPU Banner 960 x 90px 350 x 250px 1600 x 1024px 1600 x 1024px 300 x 700px

Video Content Creation Social Media Creatives

Creative Partnerships In addition to our traditional advertising packages, our new Creative Partnerships allow advertisers to work with Lawyer Monthly to create bespoke, inventive campaigns which sit seamlessly within our editorial environment and put your product in front of a global Legal audience. Our team will propose creative concepts from Video to branded content which will be distributed across a myriad of platforms ensuring engaging content and excellent reach for your product or service. Website Design

Forward Features Here at Lawyer Monthly Magazine, we’re excited to announce our latest Forward Features. Each month we invite our readers to participate in content that is read by hundreds of thousands of likeminded legal professionals worldwide. We have a selection of articles and topics that we’d love to hear from you, the experts, about. You can pick a topic that you feel best represents you and your field of expertise within law and write your feature based on our suggestions. Our Editorial team will be on hand to provide assistance and guidance should you wish. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Mark Palmer Editor, Lawyer Monthly

2024 Forward Features List June • Emerging Trends in Legal Technology: How AI and Machine Learning are Transforming Legal Practices • The Future of Legal Education: Adapting to Changing Professional Landscapes • International Trade Law Post-Brexit: New Challenges and Opportunities • Corporate Social Responsibility: Legal Implications and Best Practices July • Navigating Cybersecurity Laws: Protecting Client Data in the Digital Age • The Impact of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) on Corporate Law • Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Rise of Mediation and Arbitration • Women in Law: Breaking Barriers and Achieving Equality August • Legal Implications of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology • Employment Law Updates: Adapting to Remote Work and Flexible Working Hours • Mergers and Acquisitions: Legal Considerations and Best Practices • Legal Challenges in the Healthcare Sector: Navigating Regulatory Changes September • Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age • The Role of In-House Counsel in Corporate Governance • Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance: Current Trends and Future Directions • Human Rights Law: Recent Developments and Landmark Cases

400k Distribution

Awards Every year Lawyer Monthly identifies and honours the most respected Lawyers and Law Firms who lead the way on a global stage. Our team collate votes and in-depth sector by sector research to choose the very best of the best among the world’s legal businesses resulting in the publication of our special Awards Winners Edition. Our Lawyer Monthly awards include the celebrated Legal Awards, Women in Law, Expert Witness awards and the all new Lawyer Monthly 100, which celebrate the most successful, innovative and forward-thinking Lawyers across the world. For further information please visit For sponsorship enquiries, please contact: Georgina Cook:

Award Benefits 1. Status & Recognition Receive worldwide recognition and celebration of the award. 2. Global Promotion Benefit from the Lawyer Monthly Awards marketing campaigns and promotions. 3. Customer Growth Benefit from the Lawyer Monthly Awards marketing campaigns and promotions. 4. Target Audience Boost awareness among your target audience. 5. Global Circulation Be seen worldwide by our 300k+ business readers and potential alliances. 6. Loyalty Increase customer loyalty with an award winning status. 7. Credibility Build your brand credibility. Every year Lawyer Monthly identifies and honours the most respected Lawyers and Law Firms who lead the way on a global stage. Our team collate votes and in-depth sector by sector research to choose the very best of the best among the world’s legal businesses resulting in the publication of our special Awards Winners Edition. Our Lawyer Monthly awards include the celebrated Legal Awards, Women in Law, Expert Witness awards and the all new Lawyer Monthly 100, which celebrate the most successful, innovative and forward-thinking Lawyers across the world. For further information please visit For sponsorship enquiries, please contact: Georgina Cook:

It is my pleasure to let the readers and advertisers of Lawyer Monthly know how great your magazine is. I came back to the magazine to accept your company’s acknowledgement of my forensic chemical expertise. As I summarized my credentials you were incredibly easy to work with. Beyond easy lies your patience and kindness as I kept on providing you with yet another “final” written description. The layout you provided was consistent with my highest hopes. Thanks again for a superb job and I recommend you most highly. We are pleased to have been named Business Crime Law Firm of the Year in the Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards. We are honoured to be named as ‘Patents Law Firm of the Year - Germany’ by Lawyer Monthly Magazine Meyer Rosen Interactive Consulting, Inc Blackfords LLP Dr. Meyer-Delheuer & Partners LLP

Content Marketing & Advertorials Building an audience using content is successful, repeatable, scalable and allows you to build a relationship with your target audience by sharing your knowledge on the right platform. Instead of writing content on your own blog with only a handful of readers, why not have your content on a high domain authority website with over 300,000 pageviews a month and regularly ranks on the first page of google? Lawyer Monthly offers you the opportunity to take advantage of our proven content marketing process that helps businesses around the world get their content viewed thousands of time every single month. Build Your Business Through Content

Accomplish the Goals of Your Brand Lawyer Monthly’s sponsored article platform also allows firms to reach out and connect with an audience of over 200 thousand C-level/Partner level executives worldwide through our magazine. By working with the FinanceMonthly team to create a sponsored article your brand will break through the noise and have its key messages seen in our magazine and on our website. Broadcasting Your Message Unlike normal advertisements, which consumers are used to, Lawyer Monthly ’s sponsored article platform provides targeted content to a targeted audience – allowing firms to accomplish their brand goals with great efficiency. Lawyer Monthly ’s sponsored articles are engaging and topical, and above all they all have compelling content – this ensures maximum interest from the readership and website visitors.

Solus Email Campaigns Lawyer Monthly’s exclusive solus service takes the hassle out of sending email campaigns. We can send single or multiple email campaigns on your behalf to your desired audience within our database and host your thought-leadership content and whitepapers to generate qualified leads. We have built up an impressive audience over the last 7 years, giving you access to over 200 thousand contacts across the globe, ensuring you find the right audience for your business. Email Campaigns: Put Your Business in Front of Our Readers For more information, please contact: Jacob Mallinder Post Campaign Analysis With any campaign, analysing the results is vital to understanding what product, template or time of day is working. With our sophisticated email platforms we can analyse many aspects of your campaigns such as: 1. Delivery rates 2. Open rates 3. Click-through rates 4. Hard & soft bounce monitoring 5. Domain analysis 6. Unsubscribes 7. Opens by device type 8. Geographical opens Campaigns That Work For You You can choose your own data segments from the database and refine your lists by job title, industry sector and location. Using Lawyer Monthly’s comprehensive solus email services will help you: 1. Generate pre-qualified leads with full contact details 2. Identify those decision makers who are more likely to buy your services 3. Drive traffic to your white paper to promote your brand as a thought leader 4. Maximise your Marketing ROI 5. Drive traffic to your site and give your brand exposure 6. Deliver important updates and news to your target audience

Transaction Reports Showcase your latest deal or transaction to our vast audience with our Tombstone Transaction Reports. Lawyer Monthly offers the unique opportunity to report your latest transaction report on our popular website. Sometimes referred to as a ‘Tombstone’, these reports put your deals in front of an audience of hundreds of thousands as we dive into the detail of your deal while exploring the companies involved as well as the advisers that worked on the transaction. The Transaction Reports are a fantastic platform for advisers to connect with our readers within the sectors of, but not limited to, financial services; investment; legal services and the banking industry. They are also a great way for advisers to promote their business to a targeted audience. Our offerings also provide a great opportunity to form new alliances.

Coverage Each transaction report includes: - A full bespoke report published on Lawyer Monthly - The report featuring in the M&A Deals section on the Lawyer Monthly website visited by over 210,000 readers every month; - Social media posts sent to our large following online with a monthly reach in excess of 450,000. In addition to the above, Lawyer Monthly offer multiple coverage options to suit all budgets; ranging from a listing on a joint tombstone all the way to an in-depth interview with our editors. Option 1 Joint Tombstone Inclusion and Back Link Option 2 Joint Tombstone Inclusion and Back Link + Acrylic Trophy Option 3 Joint Tombstone Inclusion and Back Link + 600- Word Q&A interview Option 4 Joint Tombstone Inclusion and Back Link + 2400-Word Q&A interview with headshot image Option 5 Home Page Lead Article with Joint Tombstone Inclusion and Back Link +2400-Word Interview & Headshot Image + Tombstone Acrylic Trophy Acrylic Trophies Additional Trophies can be added to each Option package. To discuss all these options further, please contact: Adam Arnold Acrylic Trophy

Mark Palmer Editor Jacob Mallinder Sales Manager Georgina Cook Awards Manager Adam Arnold Transaction Reports Executive Universal Media Ltd. PO Box 17858, Tamworth, B77 9QG T: 01543 255537 General Enquiries:

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