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Specialist Advocate: Neil Cameron

5th October 2016
This month Lawyer Monthly takes a look at the work of Neil Cameron QC, a specialist planning barrister, and current Joint Head of Landmark Chambers, the UK’s leading set of chambers practising in planning & environment law.   What are the most interesting cases you have worked on recently? I would draw particular attention to […]
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Scott E. Squillace - "Estate planning is really about generosity and preservation. It is also about not ceding control to the state"

5th October 2016
Estate planning is a complex area of the law, with regulations and directives that are changing from year to year, and at all times, lawyers need to be ready to advise on all the latest legal updates, and be highly aware of the most efficient ways to minimize taxes and expenses surrounding the transfer of […]
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David W. Griffin - "Intellectual interest and fascination must give way to the practical realities of the courtroom."

5th October 2016
Divorce comes with a magnitude of concerns and complex issues that can only be resolved and fought through via the careful assistance of a well-practiced and passionate lawyer; in this case, Connecticut, US, is blessed with the skills and experience of David W. Griffin, Partner at Rutkin, Oldham & Griffin, LLC. Lawyer Monthly is pleased […]
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Micha-Rose Emmett - "In this line of work, there are certainly more opportunities than obstacles"

5th October 2016
Here to discuss the implications of Brexit on immigration law, the challenges of residency requirements, and the implementation of citizenship programmes, is Micha-Rose Emmett, Managing Director at CS Global Partners, an international, industry-leading, award-winning legal advisory firm specialising in citizenship and residence solutions. What are the hottest talking points surrounding UK / EU immigration and […]
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Simon J. McMenemy on Employment Law

5th October 2016
This thought leader is renowned for being outspoken and confident in his remit, having delivered several speeches internationally and educated many in his specialist subject, data privacy and protection. Here, talking to Lawyer Monthly, Simon J. McMenemy, Managing Partner at Ogletree Deakins International LLP, sums up quite modestly the ‘red tape’ stigma of the EU’s […]
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Thought Leader: Anna Harvey on Employment Law

5th October 2016
From detailing her previous experience in the employment law sector, to discussing the importance of wellbeing in the workplace, clientfocused UK lawyer Anna Harvey here talks to Lawyer Monthly about the employment sector in Britain, her and her firm’s thought leadership therein, and what in her opinion could be the potential implications of a Brexit. […]
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Angelo Zambelli - "Italy, together with the other Southern Europe countries, has been one of the countries most affected by the economic crisis"

5th October 2016
From the latest changes in the Italian employment sector, to the impact of the economic crisis on this legal practice, our next thought leader, Angelo Zambelli, co-managing partner of Grimaldi Studio Legale, gives his outlook on the changing landscape of employment law and his thought leadership in this ever-evolving legal world.   With almost 30 […]
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Sébastien Richemont - Litigation

5th October 2016
Dispute in business is inevitable. It is an integral part of growing a business, succeeding within it, and maintaining that success. It is how disputes are handled that matters. By consulting experienced and skilled legal experts, disputes may not always be avoided entirely, but they can be navigated effectively and a solution beneficial to all […]
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Ika Raymond Any-Gbayere

5th October 2016
With over twenty years’ experience in this field, this Côte D’Ivoire lawyer has seen the ins and outs of the West African employment landscape, having worked with some of the biggest names, and witnessed some of the most impacting shifts in labour and employment law in West Africa. Lawyer Monthly hears from Raymond about the […]
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Philipp Reusch - "As long as a product is not defective, no litigation is looming."

5th October 2016
By the day we see growth and increasing complexity in the compensation culture that surrounds us, and although the moral standing is arguable, the law exists to protect people, businesses and their productivity. But is this the truth for all nations? In the case of German product liability law, justice really grits its teeth and […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.

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