Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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Former Theranos Manager Tells Of Unrelenting Pressure From CEO Elizabeth Holmes

20th September 2021
Eight years later, on Friday, Gangakhedkar was testifying at the criminal trial of her former employer, Elizabeth Holmes, the CEO and founder of Theranos Inc.  Gangakhedkar’s testimony is so far the strongest testimony connecting Elizabeth Holmes’ actions to charges that she lied to investors and patients about the accuracy of Theranos’ blood-testing machines. Holmes has […]
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Walmart To Face Bias Claim By Employee Regularly Absent Post-Injury

17th September 2021
On Wednesday, an unanimous three-judge panel of the 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals said it was ambiguous whether employee Margaret Benson’s attendance lapses were excusable under Walmart policy because they were a result of a pelvic injury which she sustained whilst working at the store. The panel said that a Maine district court judge […]
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Leading Chambers Team Up To Launch New Diversity Mentoring Scheme

17th September 2021
The scheme was launched in partnership with the Planning and Environmental Bar Association (PEBA) and will work to encourage university students from underrepresented backgrounds to consider careers as barristers.  Field Court, Cornerstone Barristers, Francis Taylor Building, Kings Chambers, and Landmark Chambers will all provide mentorship to students, advising on the process of successfully becoming a […]
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From CIC To CIO: Would Your Social Enterprise Clients Be Better Off As Charities?

16th September 2021
Paul Ridout, Partner at Hunters Law LLP, weighs up whether social enterprise clients would be better off as charities.  When we advise clients who are trying to get a voluntary organisation off the ground, one of the first issues that we address is the choice of legal structure. There has been a growing demand for […]
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Californian Company That Markets Beverages To Women Sued By SEC

16th September 2021
The SEC claims that, between 2017 and 2019, SHE Beverages Co raised over $15 million from more than 2,000 investors in unregistered stock sales by falsely touting its business plans and showcasing its success. The SEC says that the company overstated revenue, made deceptive claims that it had received takeover bids of up to $500 […]
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Employment Law Specialist Advises On “No Jab, No Job” Issue For Employers

15th September 2021
Currently, double vaccination status is only compulsory for employees who work in care homes (with effect from 11 November 2021). However, employers across other sectors are also keen to protect their workforce and keep their businesses moving. Tim Copplestone, partner and employment law specialist with national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP, highlights the need for […]
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Aetna Sued Over Alleged LGBTQ+ Discrimination

15th September 2021
Managed healthcare company Aetna Inc has been sued for allegedly discriminating against beneficiaries within the LGBTQ+ community by requiring them to pay more out of pocket for fertility treatments.  In a proposed class action, plaintiff Emma Goidel claimed she and her spouse were forced to pay out nearly $45,000 for fertility treatments due to Aetna’s […]
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A Drop In Money Laundering Fines: Looking Behind The Statistics

14th September 2021
Nicola Sharp of Rahman Ravelli explains why a large drop in money laundering penalties does not paint the full picture. There seemed to be a degree of consternation when it was reported that money laundering penalties imposed on finance companies in the first six months of 2021 were almost half what the figure was for […]
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What Is A Commercial Vehicle? A Study by Burnes Libman Law Group

14th September 2021
Burnes Libman Law Group explore the question “what is a commercial vehicle?” When we think of the term “commercial vehicle”, 18 wheeler or semi-truck comes to mind. The shocking truth is the number of large trucks and buses in fatal crashes has increased by 48% from 2009 to 2018 and is continuing to grow every […]
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Dutch Court Rules Uber Drivers Are Employees, Not Contractors

14th September 2021
The ruling by the Dutch Court is another victory for unions battling for better pay and benefits for those working in the gig economy. The ruling followed a similar decision about the ride-hailing company in the UK this year. The Amsterdam District Court agreed with the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions’ argument that Uber’s 4,000 […]
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