Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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How Car Accident Lawyers Can Help Rideshare Drivers

27th August 2021
Ridesharing is a transportation service that allows passengers to use an app to book a driver immediately through their smartphones. Many transportation companies use this method, but the most prominent are Uber and Lyft. Both drivers and passengers admit that, while it’s convenient, accidents can still happen. Drivers can sustain injuries as well and will […]
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Fed Circuit Affirms Google’s Win Against 3D Spreadsheet Patent Claims

27th August 2021
Texas-based Data Engine Technologies LLC, a subsidiary of Acacia Research, first sued Mountain View California-based Google in 2014, claiming that its Google Sheets spreadsheet programme infringed patents related to using notebook-style tabs to arrange and display information in three-dimensional electronic spreadsheets.   However, under the patents’ definition, Google Sheet does not count as a “three-dimensional spreadsheet”, […]
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Specialising Your Legal Niche Is Key According To Atlanta-Based Injury Lawyer

26th August 2021
It is this specialisation that makes you understand the dynamism in the field. You sharpen your knowledge even more with time, thus being better-positioned to give clients the best legal services. The benefits go beyond this. It Differentiates Your Firm Many top lawyers are practising in the field and making tremendous achievements in serving clients. […]
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Thinking Of Joining The Big Four As A Lawyer? This Is What You Need To Know

26th August 2021
Alex Hamilton-Baily, Partner in the Legal and Professional Services Practice at Odgers Berndtson, explains what you need to know before joining one of the Big Four as a lawyer.   Last year, Deloitte doubled the size of its UK legal practice with the acquisition of Kemp Little. Going from just eight UK partners to 29, the […]
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LASPO: How A Near-Decade Of Legal Aid Cuts Has Affected Britain’s Most Vulnerable

26th August 2021
Over the past decade, the legal aid system has been dramatically impacted by financial cuts. The 2013 Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) saw £350 million knocked off of the £2 billion legal aid budget, resulting in vast numbers of people losing access to much-need legal support. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it has been […]
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Lyft Shareholders Win Class Status In Lawsuit Over IPO Disclosures

26th August 2021
On Friday, US District Judge Haywood Gilliam Jr certified a class of investors who purchased shares in Lyft’s IPO. The judge rejected the company’s argument that individual inquiries were required to demonstrate whether investors were aware of the issues before buying in.  Investor Rick Keiner’s lawsuit criticises Lyft, its officers, and directors for failing to […]
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Law In The Time Of Corona

25th August 2021
Few professions are so steeped in history and age-old customs as the law. The legal profession itself goes back as far as ancient Greece and Rome, and even today, formal robes, and in some cases wigs, form the garb of barristers and judges in all Senior Courts of England and Wales. A reverence for tradition […]
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Clarke Willmott Becomes Latest Member Of Brain Injury Group

25th August 2021
Around one million people attend hospital with some form of head trauma or brain injury every year. A substantial percentage of these people suffer ongoing symptoms after their head injury. These symptoms range from mild, short-term difficulty with memory to severe cognitive disability.   Clarke Willmott will now help the organisation provide a complete package of […]
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How To Choose The Right Attorney To Help With Your Divorce

24th August 2021
For most, a divorce is a harrowing experience, and the stories you will hear about most divorce cases are simply brutal. That is why you need a divorce attorney to guide you through the divorce process. However, choosing the right attorney for your divorce is much more difficult than it appears. The following are tips […]
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How To Build A Strong Personal Injury Case And Get The Compensation You Deserve

24th August 2021
Going through an accident at your workplace can be very traumatic and painful. You must regain your senses as soon as possible after the operation or medication in order to claim your fundamental rights. A personal injury means that another person or organisation is liable to pay for your compensation, including your mental and physical […]
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