Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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The Supreme Court and the Law Governing Arbitration Agreements

3rd November 2020
The English Court's decision in Enka v Chubb had wide-ranging implications for how arbitration law ought to be applied.
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COVID-19 and Citizenship of Investment

2nd November 2020
Programmes that offer legal citizenship status to individuals who invest in a country's economy have been uniquely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Johnny Depp Loses “Wife Beater” Libel Case Against The Sun

2nd November 2020
The outcome settles one of the most high-profile libel lawsuits of the 21st century.
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The Supreme Court Examines Restraint of Trade Clauses in Leases

30th October 2020
The Supreme Court's decision in Peninsula Securities Limited v Dunnes Stores (Bangor) could have a knock-on effect for property litigation across the UK.
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New Zealand Votes to Legalise Euthanasia

30th October 2020
In a referendum, a majority of New Zealand voters supported the legalisation of assisted dying – but not cannabis.
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Big Tech Heads Suggest Openness to Greater Transparency Rules

29th October 2020
The CEOs of Facebook, Twitter and Google told Congress that new regulatory requirements could bolster user trust.
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Facebook Sued Over Role in Cambridge Analytica Scandal

29th October 2020
At issue is the social media platform’s failure to protect UK users’ personal data in the Cambridge Analytica breach.
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Fragomen Confirms Data Breach Impacting Google Employees

28th October 2020
The Am Law 100 firm revealed that a data breach allowed a third party to gain limited access to Google employees’ personal information.
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Kingly’s Unsecured Creditors May Lose £16.5 Million

28th October 2020
The firm was shuttered earlier this year by the SRA, but still owes creditors almost £17 million.
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What the End of the Privacy Shield Framework Means for EU Businesses

27th October 2020
The Schrems II case is set to have a significant impact on any firm that regularly conducts data transfers with the US – and is likely to be compounded by Brexit and COVID-19.
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