Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

A bit more information

“No-Fault” Divorce Bill Backed by House of Commons

9th June 2020
Despite rebellion by 12 Conservative MPs, legislation seeking to loosen prerequisites for divorce proceedings was passed in the UK House of Commons, paving the way for changes to family law.
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Why Empathy Is a Vital Skill to Develop in Law

9th June 2020
Empathy is an aspect of legal professions that is often neglected in training. Law students should ensure they get an early start on honing it for working life.
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Commercial Litigation: COVID-19 Recognised as Force Majeure

8th June 2020
With COVID-19 having now been recognised as a 'force majeure' event in French case law, we examine the landmark ruling and what it implies for commercial litigation.
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Judge Refuses to Sign Off on $550 Million Facebook Facial Privacy Deal

5th June 2020
In a hearing discussing the social media platform’s wrongful collection of data, the judge asked questioned whether the $550 million settlement was sufficient.
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Dorsey & Whitney Ends Partnership with Minneapolis Prosecutors

4th June 2020
The prominent Minneapolis-based law firm will end its pro bono Minneapolis City Attorney’s programme.
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The Positives and Negatives of Family Law in Lockdown

3rd June 2020
The full fallout is yet unknown, but COVID-19 has certainly had an immediate impact on family law -  some positives and some negatives, with potential opportunity for innovation and even improvement to the family legal system.
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Why You Should Always Contact A Lawyer After a Workplace Injury

3rd June 2020
The law in each state requires every company to ensure the safety of its staff by establishing that the work environment is healthy and safe. However, there are other incidents where the employer does all that is expected, but an injury still happens in the workplace.
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2020: The Year of EU Crypto-Asset Regulation?

2nd June 2020
The regulation of crypto-assets in the EU has, to date, consisted of a patchwork of national rules, with EU regulation only applying where crypto-assets fell within existing legislative frameworks. But pending the outcome of a European Commission consultation and the response to that feedback, it seems likely that 2020 will be an important year for the development of a more harmonised approach to the regulation of crypto-assets.
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Separated Parents and COVID-19: Child Custody in Quarantine

1st June 2020
It has now been more than two months since the UK government introduced lockdown measures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. What is the current state of affairs for separated families?
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How Can Machine Learning Help Us Keep Fraudsters at Bay?

29th May 2020
With law firms at a disproportionate risk of being targeted by cybercriminals, new technology must be adopted in order to safeguard company and client information.
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.