Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
As the UK's lockdown measures ease, the government is looking to restart its contact tracing efforts – but the app they're built on looks far from ready for release.
The traditional network of advice and support that surrounds business leaders has broken down. How has the role of a lawyer changed during this crisis, and what can be learned from the new status quo?
As many COVID-19 lockdown measures come to a close, states are starting to open back up businesses such as law offices. People are anxious to get back to normal. But the virus is still an enormous risk, and it’s important to ensure that you and your clients stay healthy.
Securing full and fair personal injury compensation can be tough. If you think that you can do it by yourself, unless you are a lawyer or are well-versed in the law, you are wrong.
Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.
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