Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
Over 70% of your company’s net worth is related to intellectual property, as the impact of Brexit remains uncertain you need to prepare for the implications of Brexit on your company’s IP rights, to ensure you are fully prepared when the UK becomes a third country.
More than half of legal employees (59%) say they are worried about the impact of Brexit on the business they work for, compared to an average of 46% across other sectors.
As Halloween quickly approaches and the trick-or-treaters come flocking, homeowners are being urged to think about claims that could be brought against them as a result of injuries or accidents that occur on their property.
In July 2019, the High Court of England and Wales gave judgment in the case of Ministry of Defence and Support for Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran (“MODSAF”) v. International Military Services Limited (“IMS”).
The UK Supreme Court has enhanced employers’ ability to enforce contractual clauses that restrict employees from leaving to work with competitors. Such clauses are often known as non-compete clauses.
Couples going through a divorce should not disregard pensions in favour of trying to retain the value of the family home according to a leading lawyer.
Due to stress, lost clients, pressure, long hours or personal conflicts some SME business relationships can sour over time. But where do you stand if you co-own a business with your partner and you are facing a shareholder dispute?
Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.
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