Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
We all know Google Docs, Share Points and other workplace collaboration tools are convenient. The problem is that employees start saving personal information in places that aren’t governed blurs the lines of data and puts the entire organization at risk.
The Cayman Islands Data Protection Law, 2017 (DPL), comes into force on 30 September 2019 and will regulate the future processing of all personal data in the Cayman Islands.
If you’re a victim of a personal injury accident, the clock is ticking. You only have a certain amount of time to file a lawsuit against the responsible party.
According to the today’s reports, the UK Prime Minister’s decision to suspend parliament for five weeks has been unanimously ruled as unlawful by the Supreme Court.
Mention ‘marketing’ to a managing partner and you’ll get one of two responses: “I’m convinced it’s a powerful driving force behind achieving our firm’s goals faster” or “what, you mean the people that write our blogs, run our social media and spend a small fortune on new technologies?”
Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.
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