Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

A bit more information

For a Better Planet, Our Global Tax System Needs to Change

12th September 2019
Our global tax system should reward the social and economic behaviour we want, and penalize the behaviour we do not want.
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Join the UK's Biggest Legal Static Bike Cycle Race for Charity

11th September 2019
On Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 October 2019, barristers and solicitors from across the country will take part in Breast Cancer Care’s annual charity cycle race Tour de Law, attempting to raise as much as possible for the charity’s important work, and there is still time to sign up and take part.
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Life After Law School: A Guide to What You Can Do Next

11th September 2019
For most people, law school can be the ultimate goal. However, once your graduation date draws closer, it may suddenly dawn upon you that your future path may not be set out quite so clearly.
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A Solicitors Professional Skills: Ideal Vs Reality

11th September 2019
The latest Bellwether report titled, ‘The Good Solicitor’s Skill Set’, recently published by LexisNexis UK, a leading global provider of information and analytics; finds a deep disconnect among solicitors between their ideals and reality of skills set needed by the profession.
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First Ever Space Crime? A Wakeup Call for Extra-Terrestrial Law

10th September 2019
Now that the first ever space crime has allegedly been committed, should we expect a court, a jury and an executioner in space?
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What the Law Says: What to Do If Your Employee Has a Road Accident

10th September 2019
Employers are responsible for ensuring, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their employees.
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Could MPs Take the PM to Court to Force Brexit Delay?

9th September 2019
A cross-party group of MPs - including some former Conservatives recently expelled from the party - say they are willing to go to court to stop Boris Johnson breaking the law by refusing to delay Brexit.
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EU Court Reconsiders YouTube’s Liability for Copyright Infringement

9th September 2019
The European Union’s highest court will have another opportunity to consider the issue of the liability of online platforms for copyright infringing content uploaded and shared by users.
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No Such Thing As “Commonlaw Man & Wife”

6th September 2019
Cohabiting couples – officially the fastest-growing family type in the UK – face a legal minefield if they have not written a will, experts warn.
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Free Ports and the Potential for Money Laundering Post-Brexit

5th September 2019
The new UK Prime Minister has talked of the possible value of free ports to a post-Brexit UK.
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