Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

A bit more information

Legal Employers Favour Workers That Are Willing to Upskill & Adapt

10th July 2019
New research from leading job board, CV-Library, reveals the key skills that legal employers are favouring right now, including a willingness to upskill (76.9%), the ability to adapt (69.2%) and resilience (46.2%).
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Bad News for Charities Looking to Recover VAT on Investment Costs

9th July 2019
Following the Court of Justice of the European Community’s (CJEU) recent decision to support HMRC’s view in its case against the University of Cambridge, Sue Rathmell, VAT Director at MHA MacIntyre Hudson, comments that charities need to move quickly to assess the impact on their finances. “The decision of the CJEU in the case of […]
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Holiday Sickness: Are All Legal Claims Genuine?

9th July 2019
Leading up to August 2017, a whopping 86% of Brits had taken at least one holiday, whether that be a staycation or abroad – a huge increase on 2016 figures (77%). With only 14% of Brits not taking a holiday, it is clear that those in the UK strive to spend their time away from work and education by taking a holiday.
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Current Requirements for the UK Spouse Visa Explained

8th July 2019
Completing a UK spouse visa application is a complex, long-winded and nerve-wracking process. In recent times, the UK Government has tightened their measures and introduced more stringent requirements, in an effort to crack down on the number of false marriages.
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Vladimir Putin: The Full Interview with FT

8th July 2019
The Financial Times is the first major international newspaper to be granted an interview with the Russian leader for 16 years.
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The Finances of Britain’s Legal Firms Are Due for a Shake-Up

5th July 2019
After decades of archaic financial management practices, the commercial reputation of the £35.1 billion UK legal services market is in a bit of a sorry state.
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Here’s Why all Legal Firms Need a Social Media Presence

4th July 2019
Today, rival companies work hard to harness the opportunities provided by social media in the legal sector. To fail to do so yourself is to find yourself quickly overtaken.
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Failing Restaurants Are a Magnet for Personal Liability but Where Does the Fault Lie?

3rd July 2019
In May this year, popular restaurant Jamie’s Italian went into administration, hundreds lost their jobs and around 25 restaurants shut their doors to the public.
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Danske Bank: Does Banking Regulation Need an Overhaul?

3rd July 2019
While the fall-out from the Danske Bank money laundering scandal continues at pace, it is far from clear at this stage just where the repercussions will end.
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Legal Risk: Common Incidents That Might Happen In Your Company

2nd July 2019
Safety first is a common concept that’s thrown around in every work environment. However, the statistics of how often people are injured at work are staggering.
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