Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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5 Reasons Why Outsourced Marketing Could Work for Your Law Firm

16th May 2019
Working across multiple industries – from central government and charities, to legal and professional membership bodies – Helen Cox has gained a reputation for excellence in her field.
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Why Are Families Facing Probate Delays?

15th May 2019
Government plans to restructure fees for probate applications have led to delays for families looking to settle their loved ones’ affairs as people rush to beat the intended deadline.
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What Is a Gagging Order, How They Are Organised and What Effect Do They Have?

15th May 2019
At the time of writing, Sir Phillip Green was all over the media with claims of a cover up as Green applied gagging orders to a number of people who worked for him, ensuring their silence over allegations of sexual harassment, and racism. But the gagging orders are falling apart, and the question is whether we should have gagging orders in public life.
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GMB Union’s Battle for Asda Workers’ Equal Pay Returns

14th May 2019
Union calls on supermarket giant to ‘stop chasing lost cause’ and pay up following trio of defeats over historic pay injustices.
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EU Veggie ‘Burger’ Ban Challenged Across Europe

14th May 2019
The European Parliament’s proposal to ban the use of names such as ‘burger’ and ‘sausage’ from being used to describe vegetarian and vegan products is being challenged across Europe, with food awareness organisation ProVeg International driving the campaign.
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Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

13th May 2019
People fall victim to personal injuries across the United States every day. However, many are unaware that they could be entitled to compensation as a result of their injuries, and they take no action.
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France Wants More Regulation of Facebook

13th May 2019
The French government is pushing for greater regulation of #Facebook and other platforms in order to combat what it calls ‘hate speech’, according to a state-comThe French government is pushing for greater regulation of #Facebook and other platforms in order to combat what it calls ‘hate speech’, according to a state-commissioned report published as CEO […]
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Africa’s Courtrooms: More Advanced Than Western Countries?

10th May 2019
Is it possible that courtrooms in third world countries are advancing at such rapid pace they may be overtaking western nations when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness?
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The Future’s Key Laws and Bans That Protect the Planet

10th May 2019
Droughts, floods, hurricanes and other freak weather conditions are an indication that climate change is impacting upon the planet; sitting alongside the current headlines about our seas being swamped with plastic.
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Becoming a Barrister: The Unpredictable Nature of the Courts

9th May 2019
For barristers, the unpredictable nature of the courts can present professional challenges, but for clients in the field of immigration the uncertainty can have damaging repercussions on their personal lives and mental health.
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