Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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The Different Ways Money Laundering Works

15th April 2019
Criminals who obtain millions of dollars through illegal means need to make that dirty money appear clean. Bloomberg QuickTake explains the most popular ways that crooks launder money. Warning, don't try this at home.
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Do Generous Welfare Systems Make Immigration More Expensive?

12th April 2019
Migration between European countries does not lead to higher costs for countries that have more generous welfare systems than those with more restrictive systems, new analysis has shown.
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5 Simple Mistakes Law Students Make

11th April 2019
Studying law isn’t just about the assignments and grades, but let’s face it, they are an important part of the law degree. Most law students are keen to get the best grades to demonstrate their abilities and help in their future career.
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The Importance of Networking in the Legal Industry

10th April 2019
Whether you’re a student just getting to grips with the legal sector, or you’re an experienced lawyer with plenty of links already, networking day in day out is vital to your career’s success in the legal industry.
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Legal Confidence Declines as Environmental, Regulation and Fraud Concerns Grow

10th April 2019
Dun & Bradstreet’s 2019 Compliance and Procurement Sentiment report finds that confidence around the effectiveness to prevent fraud, manage regulation & Brexit-related change and identify environmental, social and governance concerns (ESG) has dropped. The findings show that confidence in the current effectiveness of compliance and procurement decision makers is down 7% since June 2018, with […]
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24% Would Contest a Will: The Avoidable and Costly Route to Resolution

9th April 2019
Challenges to wills are becoming increasingly common.
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Most ICO Data Breach Reports Late and Incomplete Prior to GDPR

9th April 2019
Redscan, the threat detection and response specialist, recently released new Freedom of Information (FOI) request data from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
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Will Brexit Make Money Laundering Easier?

8th April 2019
Below Aziz Rahman of business crime solicitors Rahman Ravelli examines the worrying money laundering implications for the UK when Brexit becomes a reality.
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Lawyers Warn That ‘Attitudes Need to Change’ To Tackle Gender Pay Gap

8th April 2019
A leading law firm has warned that compulsory gender pay gap reporting is not a ‘quick fix’ for organisations which are struggling with the issue.
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The Legalities of Personal Protective Equipment

5th April 2019
Regardless of the industry that your business operates within, you will be familiar with Personal Protective Equipment otherwise known as PPE.
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