Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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Whistleblower Protection Firm Challenges SEC’s Proposed Rule Amendments

30th July 2018
The Washington, D.C. based whistleblower protection law firm, Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto (KKC), recently filed a 27-page letter with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) commenting on the amendments proposed by the SEC to alter its Whistleblower Program. KKC filed the letter as a public comment to the SEC to highlight serious flaws in the […]
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The Latest on Brexit and Employment Law for Business

30th July 2018
In this video, Bird & Bird employment partner Katarina Åhlberg looks at: - The key challenges for businesses considering moving their employees from the UK. - Can a business require key employees to move? - Which immigration law issues need to be considered. - What practical steps should businesses take? - The importance of a […]
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Only 2.4% of Property Lawyers Are Registered Conveyancing Firms

27th July 2018
When You Move, the leading proptech disruptor, recently launched a new nationally representative report revealing the sentiments of a population of 2006 current and future homeowners, in addition to property minded consumers. The sentiments are launched amidst the fact that only 2.4% are registered property specialists, registered with CLC – the specialist association for property […]
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A Baker's Dozen: 13 Leadership Books for Lawyers

27th July 2018
Timothy M. Lupinacci a shareholder in Baker Donelson, one of the US’ top 100 law firms. He is chair of the firm’s Financial Services Department, a member of the firm’s Board of Directors and former office managing shareholder for Birmingham, Alabama. In his daily life Timothy lives and breathes leadership. Below Lawyer Monthly is privileged […]
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Work Experience Opportunities in Law See an 11% Fall

26th July 2018
Over a decade ago, internships/placements where simply a means for students to experience the type of work as well as responsibilities that would typically be entailed within a particular role/industry and then, self-assess how well they were suited to it. Nowadays, with experience highly desirable in the backdrop of a very competitive and turbulent job […]
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Law Students: How to Get the Best Out of a Mentoring Programme

26th July 2018
As a law student, you need all the help you can get. This means as much in terms of contacts and opportunities as it does for learning and growing. As part of our law school & careers features, this week Lawyer Monthly hears from Francine Ryan, lecturer in law and member of the Open Justice […]
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Owens Vs Owens No-Fault Divorce Rejected

25th July 2018
Hamish Dunlop, Head of 3PB Barristers Family Law Group, led by Nigel Dyer QC, and instructed by solicitors Hughes Paddison of Cheltenham, again represented the husband and respondent Hugh Owens in the Supreme Court’s hearing of the groundbreaking Owens v Owens divorce case. The Supreme Court today, Wednesday 25 July, delivered its verdict on the […]
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Is the European Commission Clamping Down on Corporate Giants?

25th July 2018
In light of recent news that the European Commission fined Google 4.3 billion euros ($5 billion; £3.8 billon) over its Android operating system and impact on consumer searchability, Steve Kuncewicz, BLM partner, technology and digital expert, provides Lawyer Monthly with his thoughts on how this could affect regulation around device development in the future. This […]
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Blowing the Whistle on the SFO

25th July 2018
With ongoing discussions around the SFO's operations, expert journalist & noted legal commentator, Dominic Carman, provides Lawyer Monthly with an outlook on the SFO's own whistleblowing procedure, citing some concerns that in his opinion must be addressed. The Serious Fraud Office welcomes whistleblowers. That is the message featured prominently on the front page of its […]
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UK Could Gain £5 Billion a Year in Excise Duty by Tackling Illicit Trade

25th July 2018
A cross party group of MPs and Peers has called on the government to set up a national Anti-Illicit Trade Group, claiming this could bring in up to £5bn a year in excise duty. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Illicit Trade says that illicit trade cultivates organised crime activity and undermines legitimate businesses, harming consumers, […]
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