Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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Seeking Growth, Law Firms Consider IPOs and M&As

30th May 2018
Jonathan Molot, a Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center and co-founder & Chief Investment Officer of Burford Capital, here discusses the moves law firms are making to pursue growth in the sector. A recent Deloitte law firm study sheds light on an all-too familiar topic: sluggish law firm growth, particularly among the largest […]
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London Commercial Courts Increasingly International, But Facing Potential Competition Post-Brexit

29th May 2018
The Commercial Courts Report 2018, produced by Portland’s specialist Disputes practice, has found that London continues to be a destination of choice for litigants from around the world, with 69 countries represented over the past year. This tally maintains a steady upward trend. There was also a 22% increase in the total number of litigants […]
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Bar Council Reveals Human Impact of Struggling Justice System

29th May 2018
The Bar Council’s new report ‘Barristers’ Working Lives 2017: Barristers’ attitudes towards their working lives, reveals that barristers across England and Wales are struggling with a number of factors affecting their overall working lives, such as workload, stress, and work-life balance. The survey, which received 4,092 responses (representing over a quarter of the profession) brings […]
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Hasbro Granted Trademark for the Smell of Play-Doh

25th May 2018
This week Hasbro, the internationally renown toy company, has been granted trademark rights to the very particular smell of Play-Doh, describing the smell as a “sweet, slightly musky, vanilla fragrance, with slight overtones of cherry, combined with the smell of a salted, wheat-based dough.” The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted Hasbro a […]
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Stamp Duty 4 Times More Expensive in London

25th May 2018
London Central Portfolio has carried out detailed analysis of residential Stamp Duty returns for 2017. This includes the new Additional Rate Stamp Duty (ARSD) of 3% for all additional property purchases such as buy to lets and second homes. This has shown: The most expensive 10% of properties contributed around 60% of all Stamp Duty […]
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No-Fault Divorce: Why the Owens v Owens Case Is So Important

24th May 2018
On May 17 2018, the Supreme Court heard its first ever case on divorce itself rather than issues relating to finances or children. The family justice organisation Resolution was the only third party given permission to intervene in the appeal to the Supreme Court in support of Mrs Owens. Mills & Reeve represented Resolution on a […]
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The Technology Revolution Is Here: What Are the Jobs for Future Lawyers?

24th May 2018
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and automation are knocking at the door, and it’s time for the legal sector to respond. Below Francine Ryan, lecturer in law and member of the Open Justice team at the Open University, discusses the future of legal work as part of our Legal Ladder features. Richard Susskind in ‘Tomorrow’s Lawyers argues […]
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10 Things You Need To Know About GDPR

23rd May 2018
GDPR comes into action next week and businesses still aren't prepared. Julia Seary, Company Commercial Partner at Roythornes Solicitors, shares her top 10 things you need to know in order to prepare for it.
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The Knock-On Effect of Facebook’s Data Blunder

23rd May 2018
Following the recent scandal surrounding Facebook & Cambridge Analytica, Dorothy Agnew​, Partner, Corporate and Commercial at Moore Blatch, discusses some of the knock-on effects this will have for charities and consumer behaviours all-round. Facebook’s woes are likely to have far broader implications than the financial fortunes of global social media companies. The consequences of their […]
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Is Flexible Working Too Focused on Female Talent?

23rd May 2018
Organisations must proactively encourage a culture of flexibility across the entire workforce, or risk negatively impacting employee engagement levels and the ability to attract and retain top talent. That is the advice from global talent acquisition and management specialist, Alexander Mann Solutions. The call comes in response to a report from the House of Commons […]
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