Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
Brexit is coming. Along with it, comes the inevitability of increased smuggling activity by Organised Crime Groups (OCGs). Below, Dr Simon Sneddon, Senior Lecturer at The University of Northampton, explains for Lawyer Monthly. Nearly four decades ago, American academic Dwight C Smith Jr argued that “enterprise takes place across a spectrum that includes both business […]
Paresh Raja, CEO of Market Financial Solutions believes proposed changes to planning laws are a step in the right direction, and are likely to open a new wave of investment opportunities for property investors while at the same time increasing the number of houses on the market. However, Paresh believes changes to planning laws will not solely […]
Rumour has it, some hackers are approaching businesses with a new excuse to pay out: ‘Our ransom will cost you less than GDPR fines for being hacked’. For businesses trying their best to stay compliant and respect their clients’ privacy, this is terrifying. Below Matt Shepherd, Head of Data Strategy at BBH London, discusses with Lawyer […]
On the back of news that the FCA is planning to publish a review of cryptocurrencies in the third quarter, Jacob Ghanty, Financial Regulatory Partner at Kemp Little, discusses with Lawyer Monthly the FCA’s angle on crypto regulation. The FCA has said in its Business Plan 2018-19 that one of its cross-sector priorities will be […]
Government statistics published for the Annual Tax for Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) show falling numbers of owner occupied properties in corporate structures and an accompanying decrease in tax revenues. The tax was introduced in 2012 to discourage the use of companies to buy properties for owner occupation. It included a 15% slab-style Stamp Duty payment and […]
On the back of Labour's calls for a review of Formula One's tax affairs after the company banked a settlement with HMRC worth £180 million last year, tax lawyer Miles Dean, Managing Partner at Milestone International Tax, explains the fragile relationship between the industry, tax and debt. The tax affairs of F1 and its owner, […]
The property industry’s calculation basis for extending a property’s lease was thrown into question recently following the high profile legal battle between Mundy, a tenant, and Sloane Stanley, a major London freeholder. Nick Davis, Divisional Partner for Glenny’s valuation team, explains for Lawyer Monthly. There are estimated to be 2.1 million homes in England and […]
With the new fiscal year kicking in, this week marks the introduction of some changes. Below Lawyer Monthly hears from Paul Falvey, tax partner at accountancy and business advisory firm BDO LLP, who comments on the pension/auto-enrolments dynamic. As of yesterday, 5 April, many employers will be hit by significant cost increases. Firstly, minimum wage […]
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