Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
The UK Chancellor’s reported slashing pension tax relief for older workers is misguided, short-sighted and counterproductive, warns the CEO of one of the world’s largest independent financial services organisations. deVere Group CEO Nigel Green’s warning comes as it is widely rumoured that Philip Hammond will reduce pension relief for older workers in his 22nd November […]
Following the recent expiration of Amazon’s infamous 1-Click US patent coupled with the Federal Circuit’s remarkable ruling in Visual Memory, Nick Shipp, Partner at Kilburn & Strode, explains the need for more stricter specifications and how these decisions affect patent law in Europe. The recent decision in Visual Memory LLC v NVIDIA Corp. (Visual Memory) […]
Eluding expulsion from her school, Oxford university medical student Lavinia Wooward stabbed her tinder date with a breadknife, and despite being handed a 10-month jail sentence suspended for 18 months, will be allowed to return to her studies. Miss Woodward voluntarily suspended her studies for the duration of her jail sentence. A university disciplinary will […]
With the recently incoming bill on modern slavery, the Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) Bill 2017, Kim Nihill at Corker Binning talks to Lawyer Monthly about the importance of companies ensuring that they have proper processes in place that enable them to identify compliance obligations under the Act. ‘SLAVES ON OUR STREETS’ bellowed the […]
The Commission's approach to trafficking begins from a gender and human rights perspective and focuses on prevention, prosecution of criminals and protection of victims. This is reflected in the new Directive on trafficking in human beings, which was adopted on 21 March 2011.
'China has reversed an import ban on several types of soft and mould-ripened cheese, including Roquefort, Danish Blue, Gorgonzola and Stilton. The authorities imposed the ban in September because the strains of bacteria used to make the cheeses weren't approved in China. Quarantine officials lifted the ban over the weekend after a meeting with European […]
Recent figures from the government show that from 2011-2015, eight cyclists have died as a result of carelessly-opened car doors. Cycling is more popular than ever, and a campaign launched by Cycling UK last month proposes a simple way to prevent so-called ‘car dooring’ accidents. But is it enough? Robert Dempsey, personal injury lawyer at […]
Last week the Financial Conduct Authority stated that power of attorney should be granted online to make it easier to apply. Below Dawn Joughin, specialist private client lawyer at Excello Law, examines the suggested proposals and argues that these will leave the door open for high levels of abuse, should they be implemented. Powers of […]
Dan Peachey is the Commercial Director at City Legal Translations - certified as the UK's fastest growing translation company in 2016 by the association of translation companies. Here Lawyer Monthly talks to Dan about what every good law firm should know about translation. Q: How important is translation to the legal sector? DAN: Legal translation […]
As part of our law school & careers features, for paralegals, newly graduates, and those simply hoping to jump into an exciting world of law, here Andrea Hall, Founder and Principle of US based The Hall Law Office, LLC, talks to Lawyer Monthly about choosing a legal career path that will satisfy your needs, challenge your expertise, […]
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