Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

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SFO: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

18th October 2017
SFO specialist journalist Dominic Carman here discusses with Lawyer Monthly the SFO's announcement of its annual report at the Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime. Dominic argues that income generated should not be what we base the SFO's success on, rather we should be pushing the SFO to achieve convictions that result in serious fraudsters going […]
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Calls for Protection of Vulnerable People After Introduction of Online Applications for Probate

18th October 2017
Esther Woodhouse, Associate Member of Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and Probate specialist lawyer at Roythornes said: “The online service is part of wider Government plans to reform the justice system and deliver a modern service to improve the efficiency of the probate application process. “Although I agree with the move to enhance the procedure, […]
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Assisted Suicide Law Vs Human Rights

17th October 2017
In a recent court case, Noel Conway, who suffers from terminal motor neurone disease, appealed against a previous court decision to reject his right to assisted suicide. Conway argues that the Suicide Act 1961 is in conflict with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act of 1998. Below, Gemma Lindfield, Barrister at 5 St Andrew's […]
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UK Needs Better Education to Further Supercharged AI Plans

17th October 2017
A new independent review sets out ambitious proposals for how industry and government can boost the UK’s burgeoning AI industry. The government has been urged to help the UK become the clear world leader in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – to boost productivity, advance health care, improve services for customers and unlock £630 billion […]
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Player to Sue the Whole of NFL Over Collusion

17th October 2017
US quarterback and former San Francisco 49ers player Colin Kaepernick is taking legal action against the entirety of the NFL’s team owners on grounds of collusion. According to Mike Freeman of Bleacher Report, Kaepernick has hired an attorney and will claim NFL league team proprietors have colluded to keep him unemployed and out of the […]
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On Shaky Ground: Contractual Law & the Robin Rigg Case

16th October 2017
Following last month’s landmark Supreme Court decision in the case of MTH v E.ON, which concerned the interpretation of contractual terms in a design and build contract, below Emily Albou, a leading Property Damage and Commercial Dispute Resolution barrister at 2 Temple Gardens, talks Lawyer Monthly through the case, investigating the impact of this decision […]
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New Laws Mean Double Sentence for Offenders Who Attack Emergency Services

16th October 2017
The Ministry of Justice says it will support the Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill, meaning offenders who attack emergency service workers such as ambulance and NHS staff, firefighters, police officers etc. will receive a twice-fold maximum prison sentence. The new rules, proposed by Former Labour minister Chris Bryant, also require judges to consider the […]
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Deloitte: Turning GDPR Into an Opportunity

16th October 2017
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect on the 25th May 2018 and will change the European privacy landscape. At Deloitte, we see GDPR not only as a challenge, but also as an opportunity. How can you manage all the data you hold efficiently and legally? What exact information do your clients, […]
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Epic Games Taking Legal Action Against Online Cheaters

16th October 2017
Anyone who has played Epic Games' incredibly popular Fortnite Battle Royale knows that cheaters have quickly become a major problem. Epic has taken a number of steps to counteract cheating, including new lawsuits against two repeat cheaters.
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99% of Law Firms Still Vulnerable to Email Fraud

13th October 2017
A new study examining the security practices of law firms has found that only one organisation out of the top 100 UK firms, Walker Morris, has sufficient measures in place to fully protect against email fraud. With the threat of phishing attacks increasing by 65% in 2016, this revelation serves as a stark warning to […]
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