Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!
Set to present the UK’s plans for the EU exit today, British Prime Minister Theresa May has ruled out any “half-in, half-out” situation, stating that the UK’s 12 point plan aims to not leave the nation with a sort of “partial membership,” but to build a "new and equal partnership" with the EU. Within the 12 […]
Last week UK Prime Minister Theresa May pledged to help schools and companies in England confront the 'hidden injustice' of mental illness of students and employees, in response to mental health experts’ call for further funding. In a speech, the UK PM announced that more backing, approx. £15 million, will over community care, training for […]
This week Lawyer monthly heard from Amanda Cunliffe, founder and Chief Officer for Legal Practice at Amanda Cunliffe Solicitors, who below analyses the Government’s proposed changes to small claims limits and offers her expert opinion. There are a number of common misconceptions among the general public when it comes to personal injury law. The most prevalent […]
2016’s trademark filings rose 5.2% yoy, and trademarks on their way to registration jumped a huge 10% compared with 2015, pushing 2016 to be a record breaking year for trademarks. The USPTO’s Performance and Accountability Report for fiscal year 2016 reports a total of 530,270 trademark filings, as opposed to 503,889 the previous year, which […]
The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) has responded to the Government's consultation on whiplash reform, saying the plans will penalise genuinely injured persons. The consultation proposed to remove, or dramatically reduce, the compensation given to people injured in road traffic accidents that were not their fault, and to make it harder for them to […]
The Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Regulation [849/2015] (MLD4) began enforcement in June 2015 in light of the combat against money laundering and financing of terrorism. Aligned with international standards established by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 2012, MLD4 is now set to change, substituting MLD3 across all Member States by 26th June 2017. In addition, the […]
Following news that the UK government wants to implement digital voting in coming years, at the turn of 2017, the former head of MI6, Sir John Sawers claimed balloting with pencil and paper was much more secure. With the way the internet of things is taking the world by storm, and the digital era is […]
The Bar Council and the Young Barristers’ Committee welcome new proposals published by the Ministry of Justice which will mean barristers and other advocates will be paid fairly for the work they do in publicly funded criminal cases. The new, fairer Advocates’ Graduated Fee Scheme (AGFS), if implemented, will mean barristers’ fees are no longer […]
The European Commission imposed $4.09 billion in fines in 2016 - its largest total ever - driving up overall global cartel fines figures by over a billion dollars for the year compared with 2015, according to Allen & Overy’s Global Cartel Enforcement Report, published today. Despite the lowest annual fine levels in a decade from […]
It’s no secret that UK charities are suffering. Over the last 10 years alone they’ve lost more than £3.8bn in government grants and there’s no sign these are the last cuts they’ll see. But just when many charities were hoping, with the change of government, that perhaps the worst is over, a piece of EU […]
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