Oliver Sullivan

Hi, I'm Oliver, the Editor for our Online Content. Feel free to email me at editorial.dept@lawyer-monthly.com if you have any questions or interesting content to send over!

A bit more information

Bar Council Response to Tribunal Fee Reversal

25th November 2016
In October this year, fees for appeals in the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal increased from £80 to £490 for a decision on papers, and from £140 to £800 for an oral hearing. This change represented a 500% increase in fees. The Government has today announced a reversal of that increase, with […]
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On-the-Job Training: the Key to Meeting Client Needs

25th November 2016
Increasingly within the self-employed economy, and amongst start-up and scale-up communities, businesses require a commercial adviser who really understands their business and can guide them through legal and commercial pitfalls, dot the I’s and cross the T’s on detailed legal drafting, and provide solutions. However, lawyers and professional services firms appear to be out of […]
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LPP Under Threat: Why it Matters

24th November 2016
Lawyers have become increasingly concerned that Legal Professional Privilege (LPP) is being undermined by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO): they are anxious that this fundamental common law right may become further diminished as the SFO increasingly challenges companies which claim LPP while under investigation. But are they right to be concerned, and if so, why […]
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In-House Legal Teams Want to Embrace Technology, but Face Internal Barriers to Investment

23rd November 2016
As the role of the in-house legal team continues to evolve towards being a trusted strategic adviser to business, a new report from Eversheds has found that GCs are facing significant barriers to making the most of the efficiencies and the productivity boost that technological innovation could provide. Lack of company buy-in to secure the […]
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Why China’s New Cybersecurity Law is a Threat to International Businesses and Innovation

22nd November 2016
Georges Haour, Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at IMD business school: China has the world’s largest market for digital shopping, mobile payments, and Internet-enabled financial services. Close to 400 million people in China do most of their payments using their smartphones. China’s overall business in information technology is a market of well above $300 […]
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Global Uncertainty Tops List of Concerns for Compliance Professionals

22nd November 2016
Fears of an economic slowdown and the future of Europe are the main issues keeping global compliance professionals awake at night. These are the findings of new research from The Risk Advisory Group, which surveyed more than 150 compliance professionals across a range of global businesses to uncover their main concerns and priorities for the […]
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Landmark Professional Negligence Case Set to Change the Legal Landscape for the Settlement of Disputes

21st November 2016
A landmark court judgment in favour of a firm of solicitors in a case of professional negligence, could have significant implications for future commercial property disputes. Simon Hough, partner of solicitors Rosling King LLP said: "Although this is a first instance decision, it could influence settlement techniques and tactics in many commercial disputes in future." According […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.