.We speak with Petr Holy, who expands on the process of patenting your invention, the challenges which may come your way and how patenting is the most important process for a business, often referring to the process as the ‘family silver’. Can you expand on the procedure of applying for a patent? Intellectual property is […]
Impartiality What should legal professionals look out for when trying to find an impartial expert? I would certainly consider that the main issue is to know your expert and do not use agencies, who will send anyone to you. Direct communication is far better than communication via any third party and is much more efficient. […]
Can you breakdown the different reasons to why financial disputes may arise? During separation, if the parties do not have the benefit of either a pre-nuptial agreement or a post-nuptial agreement (which is effectively like a pre-nup but entered into after marriage), it may or may not be clear to each party how best to […]
Pleading ignorance is may not be sufficient, and it essentially ratifies a harasser’s discriminatory conduct.Silvia Stanciu at Phillips & Associates outlines everything you need to know on the matter: why racism manifests in the workplace; common telltale signs; options available to employees; and, how employers should handle racial discrimination. What is race discrimination, and how […]
What benefits and opportunities do you think lie in the current state of the investment sphere? Initial Coin Offerings are an area to watch in the coming years. ICOs are being considered more and more, especially by technology companies developing suitable products linked to the blockchain. For example, a company can raise funds in return […]
Letting your staff go is never an easy process and undergoing staff cutbacks drag along extra stress and worry, especially for your employees. With it often being presented with high emotion and upset, it is of paramount importance that everything is done correctly, in order to ensure you will face prosecution or liability. With economic […]
Luxembourg is a member of the European Union, but Switzerland is not. Is that the only criterion for deciding whether or not to create a vehicle for investing in the European Union? No. First and foremost is the type of business activity to be conducted by the investment vehicle, which should guide the choice between […]
“Being ethical, professional, honest, knowledgeable, a pioneer, leader and unique in your work are my core values. I have worked on thousands of cases, with hundreds of lawyers, experts, clients and colleagues across my career and the experience I gained after being exposed to all of this, is what led me to be what I […]
According to reports, Kenya is set out to be one of the top five fastest growing economies in Sub Saharan Africa; how has the infrastructure sector contributed to this? Infrastructure has an impact on several key components of Kenya’s economy and its growth. As at the end of the year 2017, transport accounted for 7.3% […]
With sexual harassment being a focal point in 2018, what is on the horizon for 2019, regarding workplace harassment? There is no specific new workplace harassment legislation expected in 2019 and it’s impossible to predict what the focus will be in terms of appeals against existing case law, or social equality movements such as #MeToo. […]
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