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Lawyer Monthly Online Editor’s Picks March 2017

16th March 2017
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Here’s Why Financial Settlements Are So Important in a Divorce

15th March 2017
Jacquie Birkett, a divorce solicitor and former chartered accountant, who is head of Family Law at Lancashire based law firm, Barber & Co Solicitors, has spoken out about why getting a financial settlement at the same time as divorce is so important, and here below, answers several questions on the matter. Couples who opt for […]
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Has the Government Lost the Plot When It Comes to Civil Justice?

15th March 2017
With all the latest changes to compensation and claim limits in the UK, Lawyer Monthly here benefits from an analysis by Amanda Cunliffe, Founder and Chief Officer for Legal Practice at Amanda Cunliffe Solicitors, on the Government’s far-reaching reform to personal injury law. It’s been a bruising few weeks for the world of personal injury […]
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Your Thoughts: Should Legislation Change in Order to Make Cyberbullying Illegal?

28th February 2017
Technology has rapidly progressed over the years and now variety technological advancements are pinnacle to daily routines and communication. Where there are many positives aligned with these developments, there are also a selection of negative outcomes, one of those outcomes being online abuse. The previous year saw many reports into cyberbullying, videoed attacks and online […]
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How can IP help businesses expand opportunities via international trade?

28th February 2017
Not obtaining the right level of protection for your unique business can lead companies into a bundle of mess; trademarks and copyrights are implemented to ensure this is avoided, but what happens when your company wants to expand internationally? Will your registered IP be recognised in overseas markets? Lorna Brazell, Partner in the Intellectual Property […]
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Robots and AI: Giving Robots 'Personhood' Status’

27th February 2017
Recent advancements in technology have been significant and brought a wealth of benefits to society. Leading the way in innovative developments is artificial intelligence (AI), which is rapidly becoming embedded in day-to-day lives – take Siri and Cortana who live in our back pockets, assisting with directions, restaurant choices and shopping.  Whilst innovation continues to […]
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Lawyer Monthly is a news website and monthly legal publication with content that is entirely defined by the significant legal news from around the world.