Family Law

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The Owens Vs Owens Case Explained

6th August 2018
A few weeks back Tini Owens appealed to the Supreme Court to grant her a divorce from her husband of 40 years, who is refusing the split. The Supreme Court unanimously rejected her appeal, meaning she must remain married until 2020. The decision was a sad but legally correct outcome of a bad law. Below […]
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Majority at Risk as They Don’t Have a Will

1st August 2018
Most people in the United Kingdom are at risk of not having their final wishes respected after their death as they have no will in place, according to new research from Which? Legal. The survey revealed that less than a third (31%) of those in Scotland have written a will, compared with 35% in Wales. […]
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The Divorce Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

1st August 2018
Making the decision to end a marriage is not an easy one and can bring with it numerous considerations on top of significant emotional strain. To assist in making the decision to end a marriage and all the key considerations more manageable and concise, experts at Cordell & Cordell have mapped out the need-to-knows when […]
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Owens Vs Owens No-Fault Divorce Rejected

25th July 2018
Hamish Dunlop, Head of 3PB Barristers Family Law Group, led by Nigel Dyer QC, and instructed by solicitors Hughes Paddison of Cheltenham, again represented the husband and respondent Hugh Owens in the Supreme Court’s hearing of the groundbreaking Owens v Owens divorce case. The Supreme Court today, Wednesday 25 July, delivered its verdict on the […]
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Spousal Maintenance: An Ongoing Legal Controversy

24th July 2018
Spousal maintenance, either interim maintenance until proceedings are concluded (maintenance pending suit) or maintenance to maintain a spouse post-proceedings (periodical payments) is a controversial and hotly debated topic in family law. Below Lawyer Monthly hears on some of this topic’s intricacies and challenges, as Bryan Scant, family law expert at Coffin Mew, discusses the controversy […]
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Law Firms Do Not Encourage Men to Take Parental Leaves

19th July 2018
The professional ethos of law firms discourages men from taking parental leave, a new Finnish-Canadian study shows. Carried out by the University of Eastern Finland and TÉLUQ University in Quebec, the study found that the professional culture in law firms rests on traditional masculine ideology, with men regarded as the providers for their families. This […]
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Lost Overseas: The Fight for Your Child

31st May 2018
by Rolf Behrentin of Behrentin Rechtsanwälte For most people, there comes a time in their lives when they think about having children. For those who have made this decision, if it turns out that they cannot have children naturally, this can be incredibly hard to accept. Once this difficult situation has been accepted, the question of […]
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