
A bit more information

SFO: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

18th October 2017
SFO specialist journalist Dominic Carman here discusses with Lawyer Monthly the SFO's announcement of its annual report at the Cambridge Symposium on Economic Crime. Dominic argues that income generated should not be what we base the SFO's success on, rather we should be pushing the SFO to achieve convictions that result in serious fraudsters going […]
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UK Needs Better Education to Further Supercharged AI Plans

17th October 2017
A new independent review sets out ambitious proposals for how industry and government can boost the UK’s burgeoning AI industry. The government has been urged to help the UK become the clear world leader in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – to boost productivity, advance health care, improve services for customers and unlock £630 billion […]
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Your Thoughts: Trump & US Gun Control

10th October 2017
Following the Las Vegas shootings, where 58 people died, much discussion has riled up surrounding US President Donald Trump’s reaction to the massacre, and largely about weapons regulations and restrictions. The man behind the attack, Stephen Paddock, shot and injured a security guard just minutes before the attack. A full timeline of the tragedy can […]
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US Senate Passes New $700 Billion Defence Bill but Avoids Controversial Elements

21st September 2017
The US Senate has passed a new Defence bill authorising $700 Billion to support defence programs and combat operations both foreign and domestically.  The Senate gathered on Monday and passed the all new Defence Bill 89-8 in the house with the bill receiving bi-partisan support. Apart from the US budget, the Defence Bill constitutes the […]
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US Senator Introduces Bill and Launches New Investigation into Equifax Breach

19th September 2017
The new bill, which is being dubbed ‘The Freedom from Equifax Exploitation (FREE) Act’, aims to protect consumers during a data breach that may result in their data being compromised.  The bill suggests amending the ‘Fair Credit Reporting Act to enhance fraud alert procedures and provide free access to credit freezes, and for other purposes’. […]
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Your Thoughts: Human Rights vs Terrorism: Which Do We Prioritise?

30th June 2017
With the unfortunate events occurring in the UK the past month, Prime Minister Theresa May announced she will ‘tear up any human rights laws that will prevent terror legislation’. This announcement evidently sparked controversial debates, leaving many to question if we can tackle terrorism without intruding on every citizen’s fundamental rights. We hear from two […]
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What is the Future of Planet Earth?

30th June 2017
United States Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the needs to legally change to help aid the environment for a better future Written by Olivier Noël Yambo  5 June 2017 saw World Environment Day take place with all its glory, so this month Lawyer Monthly decided to hear from Olivier Noël Yambo who explains what […]
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