Public & Regulatory

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Supreme Court Becomes the Ultimate Arbiter for UK Law

29th August 2017
Prime Minister, Theresa May, has confirmed that following Brexit and the implementation of the Repeal Bill, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will no longer have jurisdiction over UK courts, making the Supreme Court the 'ultimate arbiter' of UK law. Emma Stevens, Solicitor at law firm Coffin Mew, told Lawyer Monthly: “A key consideration for […]
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The Pension Industry is Destroying Trust in Pensions

25th August 2017
Many so-called pension experts are helping to destroy trust in pensions, warns the CEO of UK Workplace Solutions, Simon Chrystal. It comes as scrutiny intensifies on advisers involved in delivering advice on pension transfers. At the same time, demand has been stimulated by commentary and reporting of transfer values of sometimes 40 or more times […]
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SFO: The £1bn Lawyers’ Bonanza – Cui Bono?

25th August 2017
Below, Dominic Carman, noted legal commentator, discusses with Lawyer Monthly the shadowed attention given to the lawyers behind some of the biggest SFO investigations of our time, uncovering the real gainers of large fraud. The phrase cui bono, originally made famous by Cicero, remains a key forensic question in many legal and police investigations. Its […]
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Expert Advice on Potential Fraud Regarding Lasting Powers of Attorney

23rd August 2017
Former Senior Judge at the Court of Protection, Denzil Lush, recently gave his opinion regarding Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and the potential for fraud in a radio interview for BBC Radio 4 and the BBC published the article here. Below experts at Humphries Kirk discuss. Whilst reading this article may encourage fears that making […]
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Why is the SFO No Longer Addressing the Libor Scandal?

18th August 2017
Following the release of the SFO's annual report a few weeks back, Dominic Carman, noted legal commentator, discusses with Lawyer Monthly the lack of any mentions of Libor within the 76-page document. Given that David Green QC has previously stated that the SFO should be judged on their success in the Libor case, this is […]
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What You Need to Know About the Change in Privacy Law

31st July 2017
Amid ever-tightening global data regulation, Lawyer Monthly invited Todd Ruback, Chief Privacy Officer & VP of Legal Affairs at Evidon, to share his insight on navigating the new data protection compliance climate. Todd discusses shifts in the ways companies view data protection, how they impact the legal community, and the best way firms can adapt. […]
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Will Law in The 21st Century: Should We Be Texting Our Wills?

31st July 2017
Earlier this month it was revealed that the Law Commission for England and Wales believe the current laws surrounding wills and inheritance are outdated, with allusions to using electronic communication as a future means of validating a will. In this article, Bespoke Support Network explores the pros and cons of implementing our wills via text.  […]
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