Lawyer Monthly Magazine - February 2019 Edition

29 Xxx DEC 2018 www. lawyer-monthly .com Business Investment has Barely Grown since the Referendum Real Business Investment (Q2 2016 = 100) Source: ONS Referendum 105 100 95 90 85 80 75 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 “ CIPD’s Labour Market Outlook forWinter 2016-17 found that 29% of employers claim they have evidence that EU nationals looked to leave their organisation due to the UK as a result of the Brexit referendum, with 27% considering doing so in 2017. ” “ Alternations which we are more likely to see will relate to requirements for interaction with EU institutions or bodies ” “ [The gig economy] offers a solution to the skills shortages already being felt across a number of industries, and that could be compounded by Brexit. ”

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