Lawyer Monthly Magazine - July 2019 Edition
Lawyer Monthly welcomes our devoted US readers to their dedicated Lawyer Monthly US section. If you reside in America or are simply interested in how one of the globe’s most influential countries is progressing legally and financially, these features are for you! Over the next pages, we will hear from experts talking about regulatory updates which are thoroughly impacting their city, state, businesses and beyond. We will reveal how changes outside the US have shifted the legal and corporate sphere, and how our lawyers are adapting. This month, we touch on an array of topics. In family law, we speak about a variety of issues that may arise during divorce; from splitting pension to businesses, we learn how an attorney should assist you during what may be one of the most stressful periods. We also address immigration law in regards to refugees and why negative attitudes towards immigrants have arisen. We hope you enjoy Lawyer Monthly US!
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