Lawyer Monthly Magazine - July 2019 Edition
FIRM PROFILE Aemerge is the holder of the patent portfolio of my fellow coinventor and myself. See www. and www. for overview. This technology is comprised of a complex of sub-systems controlled by an inventive process control architecture with over 1300 sensing and control points, and employs a “recipe” of process control narratives that allow for the assured destruction via conversion (not incineration as determined by the US EPA) of complex waste streams such as medical waste. Our facilities are called virtual landfills because all incoming wastes are converted to renewable natural gas and recycled metals, glass, and elemental carbons. many year head start on other potential solutions, but we will see. Are there any unique issues which companies in the innovative energy technology sector face? Energy is essential to modern society. It needs, however, to evolve rapidly to be more environmentally friendly. Aemerge’s Carbonizer can be a “tool” in this evolution because it addresses all three points, which I discuss below. Every other meaningful innovation must follow this same path. How can such companies use IP assets to rapidly expand their invention? What are your top three tips in this sense? As the CEO of Waste Management said in a speech technology enabled by its Carbonizer system is the first large scale, economically viable technology that actuals works. It is described by senior industry Executives as “very rare” and a “tremendous achievement”. At the moment, this appears to be the only rapidly deployable conversion technology that can both attack these waste problems and use the converted-to- renewable natural gas to produce grid quality electrical energy at a scale that actually makes a difference. What further changes do you predict in the next few years regarding this? The need for something other than landfilling is acute; there have been many attempts to address this issue on the scale the economics require. So far, it appears that the Aemerge Carbonizer technology has a Howhas wastemanagement transformed the Energy IP sector? The use of incineration as a tool for waste management should be essentially at its end in the US and other developed countries. Such technology cannot economically perform at the regulatory required emission control levels in the US and other developed countries. This is a particularly acute problem for complex waste streams, suchasmedical waste (infectious and complex chemistries), hazardous waste, low level radioactive waste, plastic wastes that cannot be recycled, and various industrial and construction waste, to name a few. The waste industry has been urgently seeking a solution to these issues for more than 30 years. The Aemerge anaerobic thermal conversion IP LAW Waste Management in the Energy IP Sector Landon Miller is an experienced Corporate Executive and Technology. Having held significant positions as the CEO, COO of multiple companies, as a large, global strategic business unit Leader, Executive, and technical Leader, as well as working eadership role on challenging and technology intensive programs and processes, Landon speaks to us about waste management in the energy IP sector and his predictions in the energy tech sector. www. lawyer-monthly .com 86 Expert Insight JUL 2019
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